JASDF General Discussion

I just did a casual web searching today and read that JNAAM got canned at the secret project forum. I guess Japan F-35 exclusively using AIM-120 for now.

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JNAAM got canned because of internal fighting between the British and French with the release of materials for the program. Japan is just going about a new MRAAM on their own as the only reason it was a joint program was for joint funding. Japan has both ducted missile tech and obviously have the compact AESA seeker tech from the AAM-4B half of things.
Regardless Japan ditched the ducted missile route and is sticking with the conventional layout similar to the AIM-260 as the downsides of a ducted system don’t outweigh the benefits. Unknown on where the UK stands on this though. They haven’t made an announcement of a similar program and I don’t think they realistically can without the tech transfers of the AAM-4B seeker tech that was planned in JNAAM. Maybe they will join on Japan’s program as a partner or something.


Only sucky part is the missile is planned for the new GCAP fighter so at least 5~10 years out…although besides this new missile there is research of a seeker that can use both radio waves and IR do you know if this is a seperate AAM development or is it for the new generation AAM?

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F15 with AAM-3


Anything new about the Fuji T-1A/B/C jets? Read a long time ago someone was modeling it. Be nice to have it at 7.0Br areas. Also wondering when will Japan get access to GCS (guided bombs basically)? Kinda tired of having to to be in SPAAG/SAM range just to drop bombs.


Seems like never, cause GCS dont have, eh, proofable capability to track ground targets. Which is kinda stupid reason anyway, but that was the attitude towards Japan for ages.


That sounds like a weird excuse… I always thought it was easier for an IR seeker to find and track targets on the ground compared to the reflective sea. There should be nothing keeping it from being able to target ground targets

The only real issue should be that you don’t lock the bombs yourself, but drop them and let them find a target themselves, which could be problematic. Then again, this would be a just drawback players would have to play around, not a reason not to add them at all.

And even if Gaijin wants to pretend they can only target ships, then let them target ships. I see no reason why we haven’t seen ASMs yet, since we do have naval AI targets.


Because. Thats the reason. Thats basically the japan treatment. While others get things that they “supposedly could use”, even if they hadnt got it at all, japan cant have it.


Does anyone know if the F-15J or MSIP F-15J could use JDAM’s?

To my knowledge the only the F-2 can use and guide JDAMs with the sniper pod and LJDAM GBU-54.

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Since we have AI ships, why can’t we still get them. Be more than happy to use them on Ships as well. This is extremely frustrating :/


With F-15J here, what are we thinking now in terms of next year? Would they do F-15J MSIP in march with AIM-120s/Fox 3s for everyone or is that mid-year update while we might see something like an XF-2 or even F-2 in March with AAM-3s and AIM-7Ms?

We’re getting to the point where the airframe would fit in just fine and the only dubious point is AESA, which the XF-2A could avoid. Another perspective is that they’d just model it like a PD radar with TWS similar to when the F-14 was first introduced (it could see all targets in HUD that was scanned), and then fix it later. This could be a possibility given how the F-15 radar itself isn’t fully modeled and as such, I wouldn’t expect AESA to be modeled much different to what we have already.

Which is all to say, going back to the initial question, I’m honestly unsure how 2024 is going to look like for top tier Japan air.


Does anyone know if the Japanese F-86-F-30 and the both 40s is capable of carrying more than 1 type of loadout? Like carry 1x 1000lbs with 1x AAM with the rest being HVAR rockets. Tired of being limited on CAS options for that 8.7 to 9.0 Br. Would love to be able to edit my loadouts. Also, it drops both bombs instead of 1 when doing a bomb run.

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Unfortunately, none of them have custom loadouts

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I did find this video on youtube, looks funny but this more or less how it will function.


What sort of guided CAS option can we expect from Japan air in the future?

To my knowledge, the GCS-1 guided bomb was canned because it “could only track ship IR signatures” (due to the GCS-1 being canned, I really don’t expect the JASDF’s expanded arsenal of anti-ship missiles being able to lock onto tanks because of some arbitrary Gaijin-ism), and I don’t think Japan is really big into ATGMs like Mavericks except on the Kawasaki P-1

What could something like a F-2, F-15J be expected to carry? Or will Japan just be left in the dust with JDAMs only?

Since it is just some arbitrary Gaijin-ism we can push for GCS bombs anyways. Gaijin had similar amounts of excuses for the Type 81 before it was added. We just have to stay persistant.

I also believe I’ve seen the ASM-3 being mentioned to function as ARM somewhere, which could be helpful once that becomes a thing.


I hope you’re right, I hate seeing stuff suggested and begged for Japan ranging from a few months to a few years for it to be implemented, it’s honestly like trying to pull teeth out.

Ayooo I did not know Japan had these vehicles at all…

TBM-3S2 with it’s CAS capabilities?



Toyo FD-25, Built in Japan Basically a baby mini bomber with ground strike capabilities. A tad slower than Ju-87s but makes excellent work for 3.0 Br CAS up to higher BR if anyone willing to CAS with it.

EDIT: Not me just realizing there’s a suggestion already of it lol Voting YES


somewhat unrelated, but I’ve always thought it was weird that Japanese weaponry is sometimes behind Western counterparts. For example the Type 89 IFV seems somewhat dated.

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