Not really, To-ku very much left design stage and production was under way when the war ended. We just dont really know for certain if some were finished like some sources claim or if there were just unfinished vehicles.
Japanese amphibious tanks are so cool! +1. I think it would be best, if it was one vehicle with two modifications :)
I personally would not be mad if two vehicles. Maybe Type 1 as tech tree version and type 2 as premium at the same br. Since japan lacks vehicles of same br to make effective lineups. But dont really care is its just one as long as they add it.
It propably havent been fully bulit, but i will take any vehicle, which is somewhat real, for Japan. Unfortunately this will be to low BR for me to play it and 1.0-2.0 has enough vehicles to choose from.
I definitely think Gaijin should go with Type 5 To-Ku for the tech tree with the modification option for the pontoons, I wish it were like that with Ka-Mi, +1 from me.
Not sure if I interpreted it correctly. The thing about 1 or 2 vehicles was not about floats. Imo it should have both floats even Ka-Mi should finnaly get its floats. But the 1 or 2 vehicles was if to add To-ku type 1 and type 2 (one with 25 mm in turret and one with 25 mm in hull) as separate vehicles or not.
Thanks for the clarification, I completely forgot about that part, from my point of view adding Type 1 and 2 should be a single vehicle in the technology tree, with the option of modifications to choose from, but it could also be that one could be a premium, so that it does not happen like it did with the German 234 family, which are mostly special.
+1 as a tech tree vehicle! Fairly well-armored, especially for an amphibious tank, with some solid firepower to boot. This would be a wonderful way to bridge the gap between the Ka-Mi and the M24!
That’s publicly available. What is your catch, most of the things people suggest are often based on Publicly available info. So unless we can find someone that has access to the archives. We simply don’t know.