Japan Su-27

I dont agree to adding this when there are upcoming Thai vehicles that is going to be added to address this very problem. Its not real and was never in service. Moreso the cheeky posting it on the Machinery of War Discussions instead on the Suggestions must mean that there never was really any chance its going to be approved for Suggestions.

And instead leave japan without a capable fighter from the EJ Kai to the F-15J? It’s only a Block 10 F-16.

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Fair enough, I don’t think opening the floodgates like tossing Gripens to several nations was a great idea either but I see where you’re coming from.

If Gaijin hadnt pulled the trigger themselves I wouldnt be for it to be honest.

If its the AJ you guys are worried about, its more than likely to be replaced by a Thai variant. As for an Indonesian SU-27 to be added, its an alright suggestion to keep but it should be placed on the back burner until the Thai subtree is fully implemented and even then I would only agree to it on the basis that its either a premium or something.

As far as I am concerned, ASEAN vehicles COULD be placed as an expanded Thai subtree but that should be in keeping with Thai vehicles. If it were up to me, the tree development would be Thailand → SEATO → ASEAN.

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Funny you mention additional Thai vehicles

Its probably posted here on accident but thats for the OP to clarify.

I’m glad Su-27 has official gaijin Indonesian camo, so there is a less chance that they will make another shitty move by adding Su-27 to Japan.

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I mean…


Bro that’s like saying that the U.S should get the MIG-29 just because they bought 14 of those from Moldova

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That’s not camouflage by Gaijin.

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Doesnt take away from the fact there is a curated camoflage in a lootbox that is verified and distrubuted by Gaijin.

Also, the copied vehicles that were introduced in the Russian TT that got added to China: Type 62, Vietnamese T-34 SPAAG.

Market place camos are choosen by some incompetent stuff most likely from wt live that has no idea about gaijin plans nor has any proper quality control passing awful camouflages. And as I said, it lowers chance, not removes.

Its speculation that adding a camo to an existing jet lowers the chance of it being added to another nation. Theres quite a few case where it just isn’t true and next to no cases that prove it.

I’d accept almost any reasonable explanation to why Japan cant have an Indonesian Su-27 but an existing camo isn’t reason enough at all.

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Yeah, if you’re unhappy, just don’t play it.
Should you play Japanese TT while creating a virtual aircraft?
It’s just an abomination that came out of Gaijin’s C&P, ignoring all requests from users to make the XF-2A.
I’ve played a lot more Japanese TT than you
AJ is an outcome that should never have come out and created a very bad precedent.

I don’t like you, however, ignore that guy. His most successful jet is the Kikka and the jet he’s gone farthest with was the F-86F-40 so he has little info to provide since its clear doesn’t know what he is saying.

If we went by those same standards, imagine how many other Soviet planes the US could get in their TT…
(This should not happen lol)

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Imagine the U.S and Japan getting the Foxbat 💀 just because they seized it

US on their way to get Mig-15, Mig-17, Mig-19, Mig-21, Mig-23, Su-17/20/22, Su-27, Mig-29, etc

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I am quite happy with the F-16AJ. It’s a very nice plane, like all the other Block 10 F-16s.

It’s based on a real proposal and is on par with the other F-16As. I don’t see the problem here.

Even an XF-2A would be far too good to stay at the AJ’s battle rating.

I have everything but the F-15J; according to someone else here you don’t even have the T-2.

Gaijin has clearly said it was an EXCEPTION due to the lack of suitable vehicles to be added, not a precedent.

That’s quite unsurprising lol.

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