The Jaguar GR.1A is a strike aircraft currently at 10.7 in the UK tree. Its main advantages over the GR.1 (9.7) is guided air to ground munitions, countermeasures and a stronger engine. However, does this rectify a full BR increase for a plane? The Jaguar GR.1A has 2 ADEN 30mm cannons with 150 rounds each, and 2 AIM-9Gs for air to air, which is a very lackluster kit for 10.7 air. It is also not fast enough to make it to the bases quicker than other aircraft, meaning it is forced to either ground pound or fight
Its in a tough spot. With no bomb load at all. then its okay speed and has a decent set of CMs (60 flares + 216 L chaff from the Phimat Pod) and the 9Gs are reasonably good rear-aspect IR missile for the BRbut its not good in any kind of dogfight.
When you take any bombs though, you can barely hit supersonic speeds and yeah, a lot of other aircraft at that BR will be to a base and be well on their way home again before you’ve even gotten close.
10.3 might be a more appropriate BR for it along with a few buffs. Like the Jaguar GR1B’s digital RWR and whilst its historically accurate 9Ls would push its BR up, it could get SRAAMs which would be really fun alternative to the 9Gs.
But the bigger problem is the lack of gameplay for the strike aircraft in ARB. Its just not a good place for it and others like it, like the Tornado or Buc. In Air SIM the Jaguar does really well, and is quite a fun aircraft to fly, especailly since they added the Fuel tanks and Phimat pod. But Sim comes with its own limitations and so not for everyone. an RB EC gamemode would be the single best buff it could get. Failing that, just some improvements for base bombing in ARB
Gaijin has a grudge against british aircraft that were fitted with the 9L (FGR.2)
Yeah… Almost all British aircraft at rank 7 & 8 have major nerfs.