JA37C / JA37D - Rb99 Discussion & Future changes

The JA37D needs to have its RB99s, the whole difference between the C and D was that the D was a modernized viggen capable to carry newer NATO munitions.


Gaijin did not agree it seems

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Honestly after getting the last bit of spade research for the AJS and seeing the viggen FM change id rather they not add rb99 to the viggen lol, that thing is best played like a starfighter. It would Honestly be worse than the AV8B at 12.3.

I’m kind of in the opposing opinion as the current multipath nerf and ARH meta means the JA37D cant really close the distance effectively anymore against F-14s and F-4S / MiG-23s. It currently has the worst reach of its battle rating while also being entirely dependant on low altitude flight performance which is far less reliable at countering radar missiles than staying at altitude.

The countermeasure changes further support giving the JA37D ARH capability as the amount of chaff it is currently capable of effectively dispensing periodically is insane.


With new planned battle rating changes announced I feel JA37D is still due for the Rb99 as not much will be changed for its gameplay.

God i still hope they dont add it. If they do they might as well just add the JA37Di. Then we get more options, just folder it with the D.

I don’t think either is going to happen any time soon. From what it looks like, the decompression fully decompressed the flareless 10.0 sections but kept current 11.0 -13.0 as compressed as it was, only moving stuff up by 0.3-1.0 BR, keeping most of the BR brackets the same, just with a bigger number.

And adding a new Viggen will probably happen in 20 years when everyone grinds for Gen 6 15.0 jets. /s

Higher chance of JAS39 B/D/F being added for a Swedish top tier premium tbh. Slightly worse manouverability than the base models, and no internal gun otherwise identical in performance.

Eh, id like to see 2 seater jets come to the game since i like how they look but i honestly can’t see gaijin adding them.

The entire point of the JA37D is the Rb99 missile, thats why the modification was made at all. Is anyone even reading my actual post anymore? The JA37Di is just the JA37D with NATO instruments NOTHING ELSE.

Give the JA37C Rb74s and chaff, and give the JA37D Rb99 missiles. Best of both worlds and doesn’t impact the current gameplay loop in any way.


Give the JA37D its Rb99 and move it to 13.0. Keep the JA37C at 11.3. Add a “JA37C late” at 12.0 with Rb74 and chaff. Sure it adds an extra plane to grind, but it leaves both current BR niches still covered.

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Gaijin would probably just add the Ja37Di as a premium with ARH when we eventually get to that point.

Tbh I would still want the Ja37C to remain at 11.3br with Aim 9J as if we implement your idea, then we have a non-prem plane gap at 10.7-11.7br. As @DarkLordMagus suggested adding a Ja37C late would help fix this issue. Another plane we could add would be the Ja37Di to take the place of the current Ja 37D Br, while we give our Ja37D Rb99 and move it up.

Ehh I doubt it, the main reason would be it wouldn’t really sell well as it would be another 3rd gen jet with ARH at a high BR, it would make more sense to have it be a tech tree vehicle. It’s more likely a premium gripen would be added (either a prototype, another A variant, or B variant), and it would either be given its current weapon set or Rb74s to be at a lower BR

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JAS39A Early with only RB74s, alternatively the AJSF37 which I suggested in an old forum post which I don’t think got migrated to the new forum.

As I mentioned (IN MY POST) there is no “JA37C late”. The Rb74 was introduced almost 5 years before the JA37C. The only reason we got the JA37C at all is because the countermeasures. From a design standpoint you can’t pick one over the other unless you are fine with adding the JA37 Early with no flares.

And as I also mentioned there is no reason at all to add the JA37Di because its literally a JA37D thats designated differently because of a single antenna and a software package. At that point add something like a JA37D (FC) with the OTIS IRST as a premium.

This still doesn’t address the fact the only thing that sets the JA37D apart from the JA37C is the Rb99 missiles and a jammer pod which isn’t in the game. With current in-game performance the JA37D is already facing a massive tomcat surge which is unfortunate considering the JA37 has equal BVR capabilities but no missiles to back it up. Right now there is unironically little reason to play the JA37D over the JA37C aside from gambling for the potential downtier where the Rb74s are marginally better than what the competition offers.


@Rubbry is it known how many DataLink channels the radar had?

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These would be good options, especially a Gripen A with just Rb74s, as it would be atthe same BR as the F-16A for a prem

Ja37Di could still have a place in game as a replacement for the Ja37D when it gets RB99. In game we have the Tornado F3 at 12.0br, and gaijin added a Tornado F3 late with Aim 120s, essentially allowing the best of both worlds for the plane. It would be good to see the same for the Ja37D.

Ja37D (FC) does also sound like a good premium option, as long as it doesn’t get RB99

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If you have an old forum post you can message the forum mods for suggestions and see if its alright to re copy paste your post.

Honestly might go ahead and do that. Thanks for informing me!

I know as a fact the JA37D could TRACK two targets at a time from official sources from when it was introduced, but this could’ve been changed to four later in its life or alternatively this might be a different number from the actual datalink number. TLDR at minimum 2.

Isn’t this just what having a JA37 Early, JA37C with 9Ls and chaff, and a JA37D with Rb99s, would mean? I mean I get your point but my entire post is entirely about addressing that the historical JA37C is essentially the current JA37D, and the historical JA37D is meant to be the “F3 Late”. I feel like we are cutting corners where we don’t have to cut them.


You speak true words
Ja37 as how Ja37C is rn or J35F2 maybe J instead with falcons
Ja37C with everything JA37D has in game
JA37D with RB99 and RB74M
JAS39A with RB99 and RB74M and Boy 402 and RB75T
Remove Jas39C


JA37 doesn’t have flares. Gaijin was going to add JA37, but people complained about no flares so they made it the JA37C.