JA37C / JA37D - Rb99 Discussion & Future changes

I would have to make a larger report later this week about the supersonic flight performance because its servo limited and not airframe limited. What gaijin decides to do with that information is not up to me.

The entire design specification is 1.2 at sea level which is why the engine has a high bypass ratio, good speed and acceleration at sea level

There is some half-truth to the 1358 IAS nerf even if i think its incredibly lazy in its research. Great work as always Gaijin.

All FPL documentation on the AJ37, both in terms of flight envelope and turning performance specify a hard limit at 1.1 mach sea level.

HOWEVER, if you read through FPL 37 Aerodynamik III Kompendium and FPL 37 Aerodynamik I Kompedium there is mentioned limitations in regards to the hydraulic system when M >1.0 at lower altitudes.

The Viggen family suffers from increased lift at higher speeds which forces the aircraft upwards when exceeding past mach. This is because of the lift generated by the wings, and at 1.1 this force is equal to that of full negative elevator, meaning the plane forcefully gains altitude.

This is why the JA37 has 1.2 specified as its limiting factor since the upgrade introduced more actuators to allow for a better flight envelope past mach. This is also why the JA37 seemingly has the same acceleration yet its entire graph is pushed by an additional .1 mach

It’s also worth mentioning that the flight manual and kompendium series don’t mention this as a hard limit, but that trying to circumvent this problem is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, since a pilot cannot safely pull out from ex. a inverted position at this speed.

Thats the same as the AoA limit on the viggen, its there bc above 23 degrees the likelyhood of engine issues is greatly increased

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So are we thinking they might buff the JA37’s acceleration? Shame that the AJ series got nerfed but considering the 3 people who play swedish air aren’t playing the AJ series it may be a nuce buff to the rest of the Viggens. Can’t even think of the last time I saw an AJ in ground RB. Probably cause they suck and the SAAB 105/A32 does its job but better.

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I use it in milsim as its the only swedish aircraft with countermeasures before 1987
I can send you to Ja37s acceleration if you wanted

Just depends to me whether the JA37’s may receive inproved acceleration frim the bug report. One of the buggest problems they have is the poor engine performance (flight model too but thats another huge topic) honestly ill take any increase to acceleration and over heating since the Viggen is just outclassed in the majority of engagements in RB, SIM offers some better positions and fights imo but ARB its stuck as a support fighter or a BnZ fighter. At 13.0 its in an even worse state, its bybfar not the worst 13.0 but again it has no right to be the same BR as the J8F nor the KWS. The J8F should be .3 below and the KWS .3 above the JA37DI with 13.7 going to 14.3 or hugher preferably imo.

Thats because I dont have proper 10.7 ground lineup lol

Do we need more sources? I have also found the SFI declassified documents. I do not find a top speed on there, however I know a guy who worked along side the saab 37 in the 80’s. What I can recall the theoretical top speed is around mach 2.2, according to him. Will try and find sources that back this up.

Are we sure the Di has Datalink currently in game? Ive had a friend fail to get more than one missile after me.

does it say on the radar?

No, but i had asked about it before and he said it was just a bug for it not showing


You can see 2 datalink channels active here:


Time to hit:


Huh, idk then, i dont even need to chaff to doge half of the RB99’s fired from Viggens in my jet, honestly only time i even see them get multiple kills is when they fire at 2 different targets within 10km. Could just be prem skill issue on the noobs.

I get 2 early game kills on average with my JA37Di

Nice, now if 90% of the self proclaimed viggen enjoyers in their F21 could actually be better than me dropping a keyboard into a box of plants which manages to get a single kill.

Those are not datalink channels. The JA37Di does not have ANY datalink ingame currently.

P sure these are DL channels which JA37Di didnt have on dev initially.