I’ve noticed the RB 99,RB 74 both cause the Missile warning to go off after firing. Maybe, a Dev can confirm this issue has been reported or i am the first to notice said problem?
I’ve personally been noticing this issue in regards to a lot of things, everything (flares, radar waves, missiles), seems to be spawning behind whatever they originate from since the update this is likely just an part of that I reckon
explain this (in regards to alot of things) is this something that is happening to more than just this jet or is there a common pattern
yeah if you go into a game of air realistic and look at other people, their missiles spawn like more than half a km behind them, same with flares. I had it the other day where it was just me and one guy left and i was directly behind him and on my rwr it said he was pinging me from behind me
it seems to be a server issue more than anything as it doesn’t seem to show up in test drive
might be u or connection!! i have gone into test flight and tried with same issue arising on both RB 74,99 launch. not sure on tech tree version but further testing needs to be done by dev’s
its not just my connection, I know a number of people who have been having the same issue, but also high latency with just missiles, countermeasures and radar but not the planes themselves would be odd, and I never had this issue before the update
does require further investigation non the less.
Yeah, the issue still exists. Even for the tech tree one. I dont understand what made them implement this, its not realistic at all.