
still wonder why they have the J7D at 11.0 its a pretty bad plane engine over heats at 100% throttle not to mention on wep and doesnt get any all aspect missile while the mig21bis planes have 6 r60mks. J7D also has a pretty horrible flight performance and it has to fight 12.0 planes for some reason even other 11.0 planes over perform it so hard


JA37C is at 11.0 and has insanely good speed and everything and gets 2 radar missiles so 2 quaranteed kills in the hands of a good player


It is much more appropriate for J7D at 10.7


Make it 10.7, but even better, just give it PL-5C and remain at 11.0.
Do that + make a J-8B copy paste premium.

Soooo many insanely cool rank 7 premiums and China gets a MiG-21 with 4 rear aspect missiles 🫠

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or just replace the J7D with a J8C premium or something and add a ge premium J7D or put it in the tech tree in a folder with the J7E

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Theres never been a premium moved to TT. They have however made packs into GE premiums. They can just add a J8 next to it. GE, pack, whatever. USA has like 3 rank 7 premium packs.

or simply think that missiles is a reason why the J-7 is still high up? i mean Pl-5B and PL-7 are pretty good missile for such BR, and such missile can’t go below certain BR.

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I’m of the opinion that consider PL-5C (tier II), PL-5E & PL-8 replacement PL-7, PL-2 & PL-5B

And increase BR 11.0 Air AB, 11.3 Air RB and 11.3 Air SB

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they arent that good and are super flare hungry and the planes flight performance is so abysmal

With those,… it’s 11.7

They basic Magic-1 (PL-7) and PL-5B is counter part of 9J,… which is used up to 12.0 on F-16A

Or PL-5B switch to tier II instead of PL-2, PL-5C in tier III and PL-8 to replace PL-7

Based on what??? You wanna add better missile at a tier it doesn’t needs it,…

It’s not the J-7E we’re talking about… but J-7D

Btw,… both are 11.0, because D have access to PL-7 “Magic-1”

The J-7D also is premium,…so tier placement of weaponnary mean nothing

The J-7D is told to be flying as good as MiG-21MF

The differences are:
Missiles :
R60 vs PL-5B or PL-7 (PL-7 win over R60, and PL-5B too)
[btw no Magic-1 stand on a supersonic aircraft with Flares/chaffs under 11.0 → gaijin limited Magic-1 but not R60 go complain on that to put back MiG-21MF at 10.7]
Both brings 4 missiles

Both have same gun, same feed 200rpg
J-7D have more counter measures. (72 vs 64)

Flight model wise MiG-21MF/J-7D are on par with what they encountered in 10.7/11.0 BR.

The problem is Russian/German MiG-21 being too low.

they’re skyflashes…

Guaranteed? Skyflashes are guaranteed kills now?

Pretty sure youre fighting/using wrongly the J-7D,…

PL-7 move to tier II instead of PL-2 & add PL-5C to tier IV but PL-5B stay tier III

And increase BR for Air RB & Air SB to 11.3 and 11.0 for Air AB

What about you read?

Exactly why → adding new weapons, especially PL-8 is the same as putting it from 11.0 (current) to 12.0

And about PL-5C and why it doesn’t matter to have it:

As the J-7D is an interceptor, it does requires to launch missile from good aspects but a bit of range, at high speed to ensure successful hits → shortenned minimum ranges only will make pilots to use the J-7D even more in closed-in dogfight where it doesn’t belong,…

Is there any possibility that in the future IR SRAAM full options on J-7D and move to rank VIII with expand to 11.7 BR after gaijin introducted rank IX ?

I expect gaijin add 2nd premium pre-order pack another fighter aircraft at 11.3 BR after Chengdu J-7D in the future

They most likely will add new aircraft instead, maybe some J-8 shenyang instead (J-8H with PL-11"aspide", R-27R1 and R-27T1 maybe, at 12.0 aswell as Air-Sol/Navy Kh-31 missile) → would bring much more people to China TT than a Late J-7D,…

Not before they add J-10 aircrafts in TT though,…

I also think that J-7D is meant to stand in between 11.0 and 11.3, and a new one will be over it.

Ps: i edited previous message.

J-8H armed IR SRAAM PL-5E & PL-8 and SARH MRAAM PL-11 at 12.0, and located before J-11 (Su-27SK) & J-8F with receive BVR MRAAM PL-12

Shenyang F-8IIM at 12.3 with IR SRAAM PL-5/PL-8/PL-9 and SARH MRAAM R-27R1 & PL-11

I guess next premium pre-order pack aircraft in rank 7 might be Shenyang J-8I (J-8A) or supersonic fighter-bomber Xian FBC-1