J32B Lansen

The Swedish J32B did not have AKAN 30mm cannons it had british ADEN cannons. I was wondering why it has Akan cannons in game.

The Akan M/55 is the swedish designation for the ADENs, same gun.


But the J34 has ADEN and not AKAN?

What is the difference? It’s so important what is it called if they have the same characteristics?

Probably could be renamed.

Unless the Akan name was just for the licensed and locally manufactured ADENs. Not sure.

Idk I was just wondering the name difference compared to wikipedia

Its just a name no worries, besides if thats a problem then why did gaijin get the dash correct on the T80 U but then the J 22 and other swedish planes have a dash for no reason?

Wasn’t there a similar discussion a while ago about the Gripen’s BK-27 canon, which in the Swedish designation is the 27 mm akan m/85


Yeah lol, tbf most of the swedish vehicles have inccorect names in game, even the saab 105G has the wrong language on the intake. Even the gripen a has the german word for war instead of the swedish lmao

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which ones?

Most that have - in their name.

Well, we have a community where many don’t even get something like F-4E right. How many times one sees F4E, F4-E. Or MIG, Mig for MiG…
