J32B Lansen Radar&IR Sight Compendium with Full English translations. Schematics, Pictures | Now with a Poll!

Hello forum, i have taken a couple weeks to painfully translate the whole J32B “Operational Description Radar PS-42 A - Sight 6A” Compendium

!! If you are lazy, here is most important things: !!

The J32B had a Radar sight, and a secondary IR sight. These sights were to aim with both the autocannons and rocket pods. This manual has a bunch of pictures to peek at. have fun.

Also at the very bottom is pictures and schematics Of the sight itself and radar etc.

Operational Description Radar PS-42 A - Sight 6A
Edition 1966

Operational Description Radar PS-42/Å-Sight ‘A’
has been developed by the Air Administration
in collaboration with F 12
Stockholm, January 1966
Head of Personnel and
Training Section

Contents / Page guide


9 Introduction
9 General Information
9 Technical Data
10 Common Abbreviations
13 Overview
13 PS-42/A
13 Antenna Unit
14 Gyro Stabilization LV
15 Gyro Stabilization RV
17 Program Generator
17 Power Unit
17 Modulator
18 SM Unit
18 Waveguide System
19 Servo Unit
19 Right Control Panel
20 Left Control Panel
20 FNAV Indicator
21 FF Indicator
23 Three-Position Switch
25 Sight 6 A
25 General Information
26 Sight Head
27 Night Vision Unit
27 Weapon Selector
29 Correction Unit
29 Switching Unit
31 Operation
31 Guidance
31 Check Before Power On
31 Power On During Normal Operation
32 Power On During Maximum Readiness
32 Magnetron Conditioning

33 Actions for Certain Malfunctions
34 Frequency Setting
34 Target Search
36 Target Acquisition (Locking)
37 Approach to Attack Start Position
37 Approach to Firing Position
39 Daylight Attack with Pursuit Curve
40 Attack When Radar is Jammed
41 Navigation
43 PS-42/A Mode of Operation
43 Operation Independent of Locking
43 Sync Pulse
43 Echo Signal
43 Direction to the Target
44 Palmer Sweep
45 Artificial Horizons
45 Gyro Stabilization RV
45 Operation with Unlocked Radar
45 Antenna Alignment
46 Gyro Stabilization LV
46 Strobe Voltage
46 Operation with Locked Radar
47 Locking
47 Automatic Angle Tracking
47 FF Indicator
48 Distance Voltage
51 Corrected Direction Information
51 AKR Voltage
51 Radar with Lead
51 Antenna Control
52 Gyro Stabilization
52 Power Unit
52 High Voltage Rectifier
52 Incoming Information
52 Outgoing Information
52 Sync Pulses
52 Strobe Line

53 Distance Measurement
53 Distance Memory
54 Distance Voltage
54 Automatic Sensitivity Control
54 Cut-Off Voltage
54 Error Voltage to the Angle Unit
54 Angle Unit
54 Primary Functions
55 Incoming Information
55 Outgoing Information
56 Switching at Locking
56 Automatic Angle Tracking
57 Speed Gyros
58 Memory
58 Correction of SV-HV Information
59 Modulator Unit
59 Discharge
61 SM Unit
61 Response Pulse
61 Automatic Frequency Control
62 Antenna Servo
62 Incoming Information
62 Outgoing Information
63 Manual Control
63 Gyro Stabilization LV
64 Gyro Stabilization RV
65 Automatic Antenna Control
65 Distance Ring Section
65 Node Voltage
66 Image Switching Voltage
66 Quench Pulses
67 Quench Pulses for KH
67 Quench Pulses for AR
67 Quench Pulses for FNAV Indicator’s KH

67 Deflection Voltages for KH
69 FF Indicator
69 Information
70 Presentations on the Indicator
71 Overview
71 Switches
71 Target Ringing
71 Test Button
71 Scale Lighting
72 FNAV Indicator
72 Incoming Information
73 Outgoing Information
73 Sweep Beam
73 Angle Deflection
73 Echo Presentation
74 MR Generator
74 Artificial Horizon
75 Scale Lighting
75 Sight GA Mode of Operation
75 Daylight Section
75 Optics of the Daylight Section
76 Gyro
84 Correction Unit
88 Shooting Alternatives
88 Dive Angle Switch
89 Night Section
90 Optics of the Night Section
93 Electronic Position of the Reticle
95 Block Diagram of the Night Unit - Night Section
96 Shooting Limit Calculator IA
96 Start Instructions for PS-42/A in J 32
96 Start Instructions for PS-42/A in TpS3

Image 1: Placement of Units in J 32
Image 2: FNAV Space in J 32
Image 3: Antenna Sweep Area
Image 5: Antenna Program
Image 6: Longitudinal Angle Stabilization
Image 7: Roll Angle Stabilization
Image 8: Right Control Panel
Image 9: Left Control Panel
Image 10: FNAV Indicator
Image 11: FNAV Indicator Scales
Image 12: FF Indicator
Image 13: FF Indicator Scales
Image 14: Three-Position Switch
Image 15: Antenna Control
Image 16: Night Unit
Image 17: Weapon Selector
Image 18: Target Search
Image 19: Minimum Height Target Search
Image 20: PS-42/A Block Diagram
Image 21: Power Unit
Image 22: Spinning Modulated Video Signal
Image 23: Output Voltages of the Reference Generator
Image 24: Block Diagram of the Modulator Unit and SM Unit
Image 25: Block Diagram of the Servo Unit
Image 26: Principle of Elgon
Image 27: Block Diagram of the FF Indicator
Image 28: Block Diagram of the FNAV Indicator
Image 29: Optics of the Daylight Section
Image 30: Lead Angle in Pursuit Curve
Image 31: Gyroscope at Rest
Image 32: Gyroscope during Turn
Image 33: Gyroscope Equilibrium Position during Turn
Image 34: Gyroscope Deflection
Image 35: Course Descent Direction in Relation to Aircraft’s Vertical Plane
Image 36: Division of Course Descent into Deflections
Image 37: AKAN Shooting Attack
Image 38: AKAN Shooting Pursuit
Image 39: Rocket Shooting Attack
Image 40: Rocket Shooting Pursuit
Image 41: Optics of the Night Section
Image 42: Gyro Dome
Image 43: Block Diagram of the Night Section
Image 44: Shooting Limit Calculator L4

Most of the J 32 Compendium


Compendium — Sight 6 A

  1. FF Indicator

  2. Sight 6

  3. SM Unit

  4. Servo Unit

  5. Antenna

  6. FNAV Indicator

  7. Modulator

  8. Power Unit

  9. Horizon Gyro

Picture 1. Instruments location in J 32

  1. Indicator reset switch

  2. Indicator

  3. Control Box with Program Selector

  4. Left Control Panel

  5. Right Control Panel


General Information
The Radar Station PS-42/A is a pulse-modulated X-band radar designed to be used in conjunction with the Sight 6 A (S 6) for target tracking and fire control in a two-seat aircraft. The equipment allows engagement of aerial targets without optical contact.

The radar station first scans a large sector of airspace. FNAV selects a target and locks the station onto it. The station then automatically tracks the selected target in range and direction. To provide the pilot with necessary target and guidance information, the distance and direction values obtained during tracking are transmitted to both the S 6 and an indicator in the cockpit.

If the station is subject to interference making locking impossible or impractical, it can be switched so that S 6’s crosshairs guide the antenna during the final phase of the attack. In this case, the radar station provides the sight only with distance information. This method can also be used for daylight attacks in a pursuit curve when the pilot has optical contact with the target. The antenna is then aligned with the target the pilot is aiming at, and FNAV can quickly achieve a lock.

The radar station can also be used for navigation purposes with the aid of ground echoes.

Technical Data

Frequency Range - X-band
Pulse Frequency - 1000 or 3000 Hz
Pulse Length - 1 or 0.3 µs
Power Consumption - Approximately 850 W (115 V, 400 Hz)

  • Approximately 60 W (+28 V)

Antenna Speed - Program 1 and 2: 1300°/sec

  • Program 3 and 4: 1200°/sec

FNAV Indicator
B-Indicator Distance Ranges

  • 0–9 km
  • 0–30 km
  • 0–90 km

Side Angle Range
E-Indicator Distance Ranges

  • ±65 degrees (60°)
  • 0–600 km/h

Altitude Angle Range
KH-Indicator Roll Angle (RV)
Longitudinal Tilt Angle (LV)
Relative Speed
Indicator Light

FF Indicator

  • Target Ring (MH)
  • Distance Ring (AR)
  • Relative Speed

Artificial Horizon (KH)

  • Roll Angle (RV)
  • Longitudinal Tilt Angle (LV)


  • Zero Pulse to Echo Pulse
  • Echo Pulse - Program 1 and 2
  • Program 3 and 4

Abbreviations Used

  • AR: Distance Ring
  • KH: Artificial Horizon
  • MH: Target Ring
  • HL: Altitude Angle
  • Speed Gap


  • Radar Follows
    • Height and Side Angle to the Target within ±150° from the Sight
    • Decreasing Diameter from 5 to 0 km
    • Speed Gap: 4500 km/h
    • Gap in the Distance Ring: 200 m, 150 m, 50 m

Here are the abbreviations with their expanded forms:

  • SV: Side Angle
  • LV: Longitudinal Tilt Angle
  • RV: Roll Angle
  • AE: Distance Unit
  • AFR: Automatic Frequency Regulation
  • AKR: Automatic Sensitivity Regulation
  • ANT: Antenna Unit
  • FF: FF Indicator
  • HMP: Control Panel
  • SM: SM Unit
  • VE: Angle Unit
  • VMP: Left Control Panel
  • H-vent: Hydraulic Valves
  • G-pot: Giver Potentiometers
  • H-gyro: Speed Gyro
  • R-gen: Reference Generator
  • Sidvinkel: Side Angle
  • Höjdvinkel: Altitude Angle
  • Längdlutningsvinkel: Longitudinal Tilt Angle
  • Rollvinkel: Roll Angle
  • Avståndsenhet: Distance Unit
  • Automatisk frekvensreglering: Automatic Frequency Regulation
  • Automatisk känslighetsreglering: Automatic Sensitivity Regulation
  • Antennenhet: Antenna Unit
  • Antennservo: Antenna Servo
  • Förförstärkare: Pre-Amplifier
  • Manöverpanel: Control Panel
  • Hjälpservo: Auxiliary Servo
  • Kraftenhet: Power Unit
  • Manöverbox: Control Box
  • Mörkerenhet: Night Unit
  • Mellanfrekvensförstärkare: Intermediate Frequency Amplifier
  • Servoenhet: Servo Unit
  • SM-enhet: SM Unit
  • Vinkelenhet: Angle Unit
  • Vänster manöverpanel: Left Control Panel
  • Hydraulventiler: Hydraulic Valves
  • Givarwotentiometrar: Giver Potentiometers
  • Hastighetsgyro: Speed Gyro
  • Referensgenerator: Reference Generator
  • Sikte GA: Sight GA


PS-42 A

Antenna Unit

The antenna unit features a parabolic reflector equipped with a rotating radiator. This unit transmits and receives the reflected echo signals. The reflector is maneuvered in azimuth, elevation, and roll using hydraulic motors. Information about the antenna’s current orientation is transmitted to the station’s other units via potentiometers.

Image 3: Antenna Sweep Area

Information on the antenna’s movement direction and speed is obtained from the speed gyros, which can also control the antenna for several seconds during memory tracking. The waveguide system is supplied with pressurized air to prevent arcing at high altitudes.

Control Box

The control box features a joystick, which allows FNAV to manually adjust the antenna’s orientation. The joystick’s handle is designed like a knob; by rotating it, FNAV operates a four-position switch, which connects the different antenna programs from the program generator.

Image 4: Control Box

  • Program 1: ±300° in azimuth + Manual Control
  • Program 2: ±5° in azimuth + Manual Control
  • Program 3: Only Manual Control in Azimuth
  • Program 4: Manual Control Only in Azimuth

In all programs, the elevation is set to the beam width and is manually controlled within angles of +60° and -30°, measured from the aircraft’s longitudinal axis.

The knob is equipped with a spring-loaded push button used for manual distance tracking. When the button is pressed, distance values are sent to S 6, and an indicator light on the sight head illuminates. The control box is located to the right of FNAV.


Program 65: PRF 55 - 3000 Hz
Program 55: PRF 03 - 3 Hz

Image 5: Gyro Stabilization LV

When the radar is not locked onto a target, the antenna is gyro-stabilized in elevation using LV information from the aircraft’s horizon gyro. The purpose of this gyro stabilization is to maintain the antenna’s orientation towards a specific point in space even when the aircraft’s longitudinal tilt changes, without FNAV needing to make adjustments.

Gyro stabilization is activated and deactivated using a switch labeled “GYRO STAB — FPL FAST” on the left control panel. The longitudinal tilt stabilization is automatically deactivated when the radar is locked onto a target.

Image 6: Longitudinal Tilt Stabilization

The solid line in Image 6 indicates that FNAV has oriented the antenna in elevation towards a specific target. The dashed line shows what happens when the aircraft’s longitudinal tilt changes and the antenna is not gyro-stabilized. The antenna no longer points at the target. To reacquire the target with the radar, FNAV must adjust using the joystick.

The dotted line indicates that the antenna remains on the target with gyro stabilization, without FNAV needing to intervene.


  • Set Antenna Elevation:
    • Climb Angle: +200°
    • HG Provides Antenna Elevation:
      • +60°
      • -20°
      • +40°

All measurements are taken from the aircraft’s longitudinal axis.

Gyro Stabilization RV

The antenna rests in a specialized cradle that can be rotated ±60° in the roll plane. The cradle is controlled using information from the aircraft’s horizon gyro, allowing the antenna to sweep horizontally even if the aircraft banks (up to 60°). The gyro stabilization is activated and deactivated with a switch on the left control panel. When deactivated — FPL FAST — the antenna sweeps in the wing plane. Roll angle stabilization can be used both with locked and unlocked radar.

Image 7: Roll Angle Stabilization

Image 7 illustrates the sequence of events with FPL FAST and with GYRO STAB in the RV position. In FPL FAST, the radar indicates too small a side angle to the target. At the same time, there is a false indication that the target is above. (In the position shown, the navigator must move the joystick backward to see the target during the bank.)

Program Generator

The program generator is located to the right of the navigator. It contains potentiometers driven by a motor through gears and cam discs. The unit provides the necessary control voltages for the antenna’s various programs.

Power Unit

The power unit is enclosed in a pressure-tight cylindrical casing, which is supplied with pressurized air during operation (to prevent arcing). The unit is cooled with air from the cabin. It contains two rectifier units that provide the station with necessary stabilized DC voltages, as well as a distance unit and an angle unit.

Distance Unit

The distance unit includes a sync pulse generator that determines the station’s PRF (Pulse Repetition Frequency). Automatic distance tracking (locking) of the target selected by the navigator is performed by the distance unit. The distance is communicated to S 6 as a DC voltage. If the echo of the target the station is locked onto disappears due to fading or other reasons, the AE (distance unit) will follow the target in memory for a number of seconds. This memory tracking can also be activated by the navigator if the target echo approaches another interfering echo on which relocking could occur.

Angle Unit

The angle unit is responsible for automatic direction tracking and supplies the antenna servo with control voltages for the antenna’s movements. During locking, the angle unit corrects the directional information from the antenna unit so that the station presents the direction to the target rather than the antenna’s orientation. This correction is performed with significant accuracy. The corrected directional information is sent to the indicators and S 6.


The modulator delivers DC pulses of high power. These pulses are transmitted via a coaxial cable to the SM unit for modulation of the magnetron. The pulses are generated with a switchable constant line and one controlled through a pre-modulator by sync pulses from the distance unit. The constant line determines the pulse length.

The modulator is enclosed in a casing similar to that of the power unit.

SM Unit

The transmitter’s magnetron generates high-frequency pulses of high power, which are fed to the antenna through a waveguide system. Through the same waveguide system, incoming echo signals are mixed in the SM switch with high-frequency signals from the receiver’s local oscillator and klystrons, and are amplified in the unit’s intermediate frequency amplifier. After detection, the signals are further amplified in a video amplifier and distributed to the navigator’s indicators and to the distance unit.

The SM unit is equipped with automatic frequency regulation for the klystrons. The gain of the IF (Intermediate Frequency) amplifier is manually adjusted from the left control panel and automatically from the distance unit when the station is locked.


The SM unit is enclosed in a casing similar to that of the power unit. The power unit, modulator, and SM unit are mounted on the same frame in the aircraft’s nose.


The waveguide system transports outgoing and incoming high-frequency energy between the SM unit and the antenna. The waveguide system is pressurized with air to prevent arcing.


The servo unit is divided into two subunits: the antenna servo and the auxiliary servo.

  • Antenna Servo:

    • Compares control voltages from the angle unit with information from the position potentiometers about the antenna’s current orientation.
    • Converts the resulting control voltages into control currents that operate the antenna’s hydraulic valves.
    • Includes a distance ring unit that generates the distance ring displayed on the FF indicator.
  • Auxiliary Servo:

    • Powers the electron gun that displays both the distance ring and the artificial horizon on the FF indicator. The electron gun alternates between drawing distance rings (four) and artificial horizons (eight).
    • Provides the RV (Roll Angle) information from the aircraft’s artificial horizon (horizon gyro), which is shown on the FF and NAV indicators.
    • During locking, the auxiliary servo receives distance voltage, which is used to calculate the relative speed gap on the FF indicator’s distance ring and the NAV indicator’s artificial horizon.

The servo unit is mounted on a spring-mounted base immediately behind the antenna and is cooled by air from the aircraft’s cabin.


Höger Manöverpanel (Right Control Panel)

  • Main Switch: The main switch for turning the entire radar station on or off.
  • Rheostat: For adjusting the scale illumination on the FNAV indicator.
  • Indicator Light: Lights up when the station is receiving pre-heating voltage from the ground power source (main switch in the off position).
  • Magnetron Tuning Switch: Under the cover on the right side of the panel, used to reduce the transmitter’s output power to 3/4.

Vänster Manöverpanel (Left Control Panel)

  • Potentiometers:
    • Strobe Marker Adjustment (Distance Dial).
    • Gain Adjustment.
    • Frequency Adjustment.
  • Switches:
    • Distance Measurement Range Selector: Choose from 90 km, 30 km, and 9 km.
    • Short-Time Constant (STC) On/Off.
    • Automatic Frequency Regulation (AFR) On/Off.
    • FPL-FAST or Gyro Stabilization Selection.
  • Recessed Push Buttons:
    • Blind Tracking: Switches the radar station to blind tracking mode, isolating the echo signals from tracking units and relying on radar’s memory circuits instead.
    • Clear Target: Removes a previously captured target from the radar’s focus.


Vänster Manöverpanel (Left Control Panel)

Strobe Dial


The FNAV indicator contains two large and one smaller cathode ray tube (CRT) with associated high-voltage components and other necessary equipment.

B-indikator (B Indicator) / KH / E-indikator (E Indicator)



  • The Left Cathode Ray Tube (CRT): Used as the B-indicator, displaying side angle and distance.
  • The Right Cathode Ray Tube (CRT): The E-indicator, showing height angle and distance.
  • The Small Middle Tube: Displays a horizontal reference line. This line has a small gap, with its distance from the line’s midpoint indicating the relative speed between the aircraft and the target locked by the radar. A light indicates when the radar station is locked onto a target.

Image 11: FNAV Indicator Scales

  • Controls on the Indicator’s Underside: There are three dials for adjusting the brightness of the various cathode ray tubes.
  • Adjustable Light Screen: The indicator is equipped with an adjustable light screen to facilitate radar scanning in daylight.
  • Mounting: The FNAV indicator is mounted with a guide system, allowing it to be raised above the navigator’s legs with the front panel nearly at his height. When not in use, the indicator can be lowered in front of the navigator’s legs.

FF Indicator

The FF indicator is placed to the right on the pilot’s instrument panel. It contains a cathode ray tube with two electron guns and associated amplifiers, high-voltage power supplies, etc.

Image 12. FF Indicator

The indicator features dials for adjusting brightness and focus.

  • The dial marked “SKÄRPA V” regulates the electron gun that draws the distance ring and the artificial horizon.
  • The dial marked “SKÄRPA 2” regulates the electron gun that only draws the target ring.
  • The scale illumination is adjusted with a dial located to the right of the FF indicator.

Image 13. FF Indicator Scales

Certainly, here’s the direct translation:

When the radar station is locked or when PROGRAM 4 is engaged, the FF indicator is illuminated. The target’s position in terms of azimuth and elevation is displayed by a target ring, whose scale is either ±60 degrees in azimuth and elevation or +15 degrees. The distance to the target is shown in the form of a distance ring, with its radius proportional to the distance. However, the maximum radius of the distance ring corresponds to only 5 km, so the ring displays 5 km when the distance exceeds this value. The relative speed to the target is presented as a gap on the distance ring. If the gap points to the right, the own aircraft’s approach speed relative to the target is indicated. If the gap points to the left, the relative speed is moving away. The scale is graduated from 100 km/h to 500 km/h. An artificial horizon is also drawn on the FF indicator.

Three-Position Switch

Using a three-position switch on the aircraft’s throttle, the pilot can switch between two different measurement ranges and also engage different types of lead information from S 6.

Image 14. Three-Position Switch

The setting of the three-position switch is shown in Image 14. The meaning of the positions is as follows:

  • Radar with no lead: The target ring on the FF indicator is displayed in a scale corresponding to ±60 degrees in azimuth and elevation. S 6 is not connected to PS-42.
  • Radar with lead: The target ring on the FF indicator is displayed in a scale corresponding to ±15 degrees in azimuth and elevation. Lead information from S 6 is connected.

Certainly, here’s the direct translation:

is now connected in such a way that the target ring no longer shows the target’s position in space, but rather the point in space at which the aircraft must aim to achieve a weapon hit on the target. To shoot, the aircraft needs only to fly so that the target ring is centered on the FF indicator.

Antenna Control

This mode is used in combination with Program 3 or 4 and means that the S 6 reticles control the antenna. In other words, the antenna is aimed at the target that the aircraft is sighting. In this mode, the control box is completely disconnected.

Image 15.

Sikte 6 A


Antenna Control

Sikte 6 A is used for shooting with guns, rockets, and missiles against both airborne and ground targets. It is an all-weather sight, so information about the target’s position is available even when the aircraft cannot directly observe the target due to poor visibility or darkness.

Sikte 6 A consists of:

  • Sight Head
  • Darkness Unit (Me)
  • Amplifier Unit
  • Corrector Unit
  • Switching Unit

Certainly, here’s the direct translation:


The sight head is divided into a day and a night section. The sight head generates two parallel sight images, which are projected optically at an infinite distance. The right sight image, which is part of the night section, is obtained using a cathode ray tube that displays the reticle, the Me— and/or radar image, as well as a horizon bar. The left sight image, which is part of the day section, consists solely of a reticle, which is obtained using a mirror on a gyro.




Image 16. Sight Head

As a collision warning, the cathode ray tube is illuminated when the distance to the target falls below 300 meters. The information is obtained from the PS-42 distance unit. When PS-42 is locked on a target, the target’s position is displayed on the night section as a luminous point. The information is obtained from the PS-42 angle unit. When the three-position switch on the throttle lever is set to “Antenna Control,” the radar image disappears from the night section.

The sight head’s signal lamp lights up when the S 6 corrector unit receives distance values (as shooting elements) from PS-42. This occurs when the radar is locked or when the navigator in Program 4 manually follows the distance line and presses the button on the control stick.


The night vision unit is located under the left wing. This unit serves as the viewing device in the sight’s night section. It consists of an image intensifier tube (TV camera) that is sensitive to infrared light. When the tube is exposed to this light, it emits electrical signals. These signals are fed to the cathode ray tube in the sight head, where they are converted into Me-image.

Image 17. Night Vision Unit

The night vision unit is damaged by visible light. Therefore, it should not be used in daylight or exposed to strong spotlighting. If this occurs, the range gradually decreases to a minimum. During shooting or rocket attacks, the night vision unit’s image intensifier is automatically blinded for 1-2 seconds.


The weapon selector has switches for choosing weapon options, selecting missiles, and choosing firing modes for attack rockets. It is only functional when the “Weapon Selector” is set to “Missile” and the switch labeled “Rocket Firing Mode” is only used when the “Weapon Selector” is set to “Rocket Attack.” Air-to-air rockets are fired in “Rocket Pursuit” mode, and all are launched simultaneously.

The knob labeled “Gyro” adjusts the brightness of the reticle on the S 6 day section. The other three knobs are for adjusting the image tube on the S 6 night section. For obtaining maximum Me-range, adjust the image tube as follows:

  1. Turn all three knobs fully counterclockwise.
  2. Turn the “Image Tube” knob clockwise until the image tube’s raster just becomes visible.
  3. Adjust “Reticle Radar Image” to the desired brightness.
  4. Set “Horizon” to the desired brightness.
  5. Fine-tune so that the image tube’s raster is barely visible.

Image 18. Weapon Selector

To the right of the weapon selector is a two-position switch that controls the sensitivity of the night vision unit. This switch should normally be set to high sensitivity. Low sensitivity is used only with a strong and diffuse Me-image; in this mode, the thermal radiation image has a more distinct form and is easier to target.

Under a plexiglass cover is the main switch for the night vision unit. Refer to what is mentioned on page 27.

Under protective covers, there are push buttons for the emergency firing of missiles and the release of rocket pods. When a missile is fired in emergency mode, it is fired with its safety pin still in place.

On the aircraft’s control stick, there is a safety switch for all weapons and a firing button. The gyro in the S 6 day section is deactivated when the weapons are secured and when the aircraft is on the ground. The ground safety is connected to the landing gear and can be bypassed with a push button to the right of the pilot.

The night vision unit is also protected against accidental activation on the ground through a system safety switch. However, it can be tested on the ground by pressing a push button to the right of the pilot. The button is labeled “Test NV.”


The corrector unit is the computing component of the sight. It receives signals corresponding to the quantities used to calculate the hit conditions. These quantities include target distance, altitude, speed, and dive and roll angles. The signals are processed and compiled in the corrector unit by a servo system, after which the outgoing signals are sent to the gyro, which then supplies currents to the respective gravitational, elevation, azimuth, and distance coils.


The switching unit provides the computing circuits in the corrector unit with certain constants, which serve as corrections for different rocket types and propellant temperatures. The unit includes a servo for regulating the voltage (+24 V) to the computing circuits.

The switching unit consists of the following components:

  • Rocket Selector
  • Propellant Temperature Selector
  • Voltage Regulation Servo

The rocket selector, accessible from the right side of the nose, has four positions: one for air-to-air rockets and three for different types of air-to-ground rockets. When switched, different constants are fed to the computing circuits in the corrector unit, adjusting the outgoing signals to the sight head according to the current rocket type.

The propellant temperature selector consists of two potentiometers accessible from the right side of the nose. These are used to set the propellant temperature for AIR-TO-AIR, ROCKET AIR-TO-AIR, and ROCKET ATTACK.

The voltage regulation servo supplies the computing circuits in the corrector unit with a constant voltage (+24 V) regardless of load and adjusts for temperature variations in the gyro.

This is as far as i can reasonably translate
If you want More information use the, DM me with the specific Page and contents found in the Contents / Page guide

Pictures & Blueprints/Diagrams


Sight 6A, see image 1, is used for shooting with guns, rockets, or missiles against both aerial and ground targets. It is an all-weather sight, meaning that information about the target’s position is available even when the aircraft cannot directly observe the target due to poor visibility or darkness. The sight head, which is a main component of the sight, consists of a day and a night part. In the sight head, two parallel sight images are generated, see image 2, which are optically projected to infinity. The right sight image, which is part of the night section, is obtained with the help of a picture tube that displays the reticle, Me-image, and/or radar image, as well as a horizon bar. The left sight image, which is part of the day section, consists only of a reticle, obtained with the help of a mirror on a gyro.



IR Sight






The Poll, do you think the J32 should get the IR sight, and or the Radar Gun Sight. Or both

  • RADAR Sight
  • IR Sight
  • Both
0 voters

IR radar gunsight for the J32B will be very nice to have added, and much balance it at 9.3!


The IRST(?) I believe this is but haven’t read much yet would be a very good addition but the canon computer might be a bit much to ask at such a low br and I don’t believe any plane has a rocket computer for air in game yet

1 Like

My thinking is that the radar gun sight might make up for both the low ammo count and the fact the J32B faces higher br aircraft often with supersonic capabilities.

Aswell as the fact the J32B comes across alot of aircraft that are superior to it, in both speed and armamants. Aswell as manueverability.

Possibly but they removed night vision from lower br stuff literally just because it doesn’t face night battles
Some stuff just aren’t there because of br

This isnt night vision, its a IR guided sight, from what i understand it works in junction with the Radar, and when the distance is too short at night it switches to the IR tracker