The Pl12 are missiles with comparable performance to the aim120, however they have an inferior performance, it is common knowledge that the j11B can use double pylons of pl 12, with su27 sm with 12 missiles, hornets with 12 missiles, su30 with 14 missiles, nothing more fair that the j11b has access to 12 missiles to be able to deal with its rivals in the 14.0
Otherwise it will just be a sidegrade of the j11A which, let’s face it, is a terrible plane, We’re not going to commit the same injustice twice with the J11… pls devs
Please add a poll, I’d gladly vote
Also, to those unfamiliar with chinese missiles, the PL8B in WT doesn’t even have IRCCM. So this J11B has far far inferior IR missiles to the earlier J11A