J11 A is the worst jet in war thunder of br 13.7 br it has the worst radar which doesn’t function properly and poor rwr.
Also it uses Rvv ae missile which is a copy of the R77 which makes it even worse.
It lacks bvr capabilities due to R77 and poor radar.
It’s a huge plane causes it to be locked on easily makes it worst with poor rwr
Radar is the the worst and refuses to track and lock. Tws don’t even work and data link is only 1 which is bad.
The jet don’t fit the game with F15 , gripins, f16, etc…it can’t compete with its russian cousin at 13.7.
If the br is lowered then it will break the game as it will be to powerful over anything below 12.7.
J11 B should solve the issue and bring balance to the Chinese tech trees as a heavy fighter. It has the same flight performance as j11a but with good radar and rwr . It will be better and easy to balence.