J-8F problems collection(MAWS, PL-11, IRCCM missiles)

Well even lazier apparently for F16 A MLU for they simply decided to delete the MLU behind it so they can reject all reports on AIM120 capabilities and CAS loadouts.


That photo is edited.

In that photo taken in Zhuhai, PL-11 is for the J-10 next to it.

J- 8F cannot guide PL-11 because J-8F has removed the CWI. Also, PL-11 cannot be guided to HPRF.


Personally I think J-8D & J-8H access PL-11 in PLAAF service but not J-8F

Huh ? Chengdu J-10A can be able fired PL-11 ?

I’m not surprised J-8F can’t deployed PL-11

Yes, J-10 uses PL-11


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Oh so good

I guess J-10A equivalent F-16C Block 30, F-16AM Block 15 MLU M1 Tape and JAS39 Gripen A

But J-10A and J-10S only fired PL-11 ?

PL-8, PL-11, PL-12.



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more like Mirage2000 without MICA

That’s actually insane, Gaijin gives us a half complete J-11A which is mostly a copy and paste from the previous J-11A which was also a outright copy and paste besides like a additional 500kg and now they decide to make the F-16A MLU a generic F-16A?

They also stated that the J-8F and Harrier GR.7 would be receiving their MAWS at around the same time but this was another lie I guess.


It is factually true that there is no MLU behind it. But the plane is to the same standard as the MLU upgrade. In the documents I assume
Early Provisions for Improved Capability (ECP 0350)’
is an early upgrade and there is no indication of any MLU upgrade in the booklet. F16A block 20 is delivered in 1997 and therefor had not got the same MLU as every other F16A, but rather just a check on current status and repair to prevent failure of mechanism or structure.

Wait just asking this picture shows a PL11 capable J8, but how can we distinguish between late J8s? Also since J8F actually came into service basically the same time as PL12, is it possible for J8F to use any other radar guided missiles?

Sorry the picture

“Apart from the four wing fences, it could be identified by an unswept white blade aerial on the fuselage spine ahead of the fin for data link equipment.”
Yellow codes: 11X2X, 61X4X, 72X0X, and 78X6X series

Yellow codes: 30X2X series.

The J-8H does not have the white blade on the middle back. That photo appears to be a J-8F.

Where did they announce the change of the name?

That is for J-10, not J-8F.

Also in the same book the PL-11 is not mentioned for the J-8F. Only PL-12 is mentioned


The image he posted is not the Zhuhai airshow arrangements. The photo comes from a new CCTV video, I haven’t found it yet, but < above > is some screenshots from it by a weibo user. The J-8’s in the video are all the J-8F, as we can tell by the white aerial on it’s middle back. The missile arrangements shown are for the J-8F. Furthermore one of the screenshots even shows it firing one off. Barring any discrepancy in model used in the video, this proves the J-8F has the ability to launch and guide the Pl-11 missile.


@_David_Bowie 央视频
the show is about a specific squadron in west China using J-8F
image from 4:40 and 4:50


I got the same snapshot, it is 100% a PL11

this is taken around 3:00 to 3:15


This is my mistake, I thought it was a repeat of the same argument based on the same photo as before.

We have the following sources:

  • Source referring to the J-8F having removed CWI
  • Source referring to only CW guidance available for the PL-11
  • Source referring to PL-12 is the only MRAAM available in the J-8F FCS

Therefore, it is logical to assume that the PL-11 was upgraded to used in J-8F. More likely is that the PL-11 received an upgraded seeker to allow HPRF guidance rather than CW guidance.


It might be the alleged PL-11B ARH version