Item Workshop camo trade in issue?

In the last year or two I started opening chests using golden eagles. I was looking specifically for the Type 10 camo from the Wind of Change update chests. I ended up with 34 Tiger H1 skins and many other duplicates after I was done opening them all. It’s kind of sad to say but I spent over 50,000 GE on these crates and I got 1 or two vehicles from them and not the skin that I was hoping to get.

The wording on the camo trade in option in the workshop states that there are NO repeated drops of camos that you have already obtained. Why is it that I only get repeated camos from this trade in? All of the camos that I have obtained thus far from that chest were consumed and added to my account.

My account is console based so I do not have access to the Gaijin market.