italian adv never used amraams
In fact Tornado ADV limited Skyflash Temp and never armed Skyflash SuperTemp
So I want gajin add AIM-9L/I-1 and change to 12.3 BR but removed Skyflash SuperTemp only for next major update
6x AIM-120B replace 2x AIM-7M on F-16A Block 15 ADF
It was used as a test bed
nup it wasnt, you should realy educate yourself
italian advs never tested amraams, they werent even able to equip amraams and were given back to UK before those update have taken place
here the quote of the local tornado expert which is a tech mod as well
Yea your right, just checked again my bad
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Can confirm this, even italian sources tell us that we didn’t even use the SuperTEMP.
Would be interesting to see it with its operational and a bit more unique loadout: Temp and AIM-9Li