Israeli Python 4 is coming!?

The missile is already in the game library, will it come in the next update?

The missile is already in the game library, will it come in the next update?

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the missile has been on the files for a long time… it was on the dev server when they introduced the missiles with irccm


probably not the upcoming update

python4 should be added along with AIM-9X and PL8B/10 and R73M, now it’s too powerful

I hope not.

I’d say that the P5 would be added during that time, the P4 is kind of an in between, closer to the AIM-9M than it is to the AIM-9X, but still incredibly potent.


I mean… China has PL8B model all along, but Gaijing just call it PL8 and trying to prove that it has IRCCM has taken so much effort, no idea why. So yeah model ≠ coming to the game.