Israeli Boeing F15I Ra'am

what ultimate f16 (i could suggest that too if im already at it yk)

It is an F-15E. And the F-15Es have 560 rounds not 940. Only A/B/C/Ds have 940. Given it is an F-15E airframe with some Israeli electronics I doubt they would modify it for the 940 container due to W&B issues. You can argue with me all you want but you’re wrong. I’ve been a crew chief for both CEagles and Strike Eagles.


Idrc for what you been “crew chief” if you havent been in Israel’s military then is kinda pointless


Cool, then show documentation showing the F-15I has a 940 round container. I’m sure it will be rather difficult to find, give it is an F-15E airframe.


Ok lemme just call Israel’s president brb…

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Yes, it has 940 rounds!

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*citation needed

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I gave u another source stating that it has 940.^^^^^^^^

Please go peace off.

@warthogboy09 @Tact1calPh3n3x Stop fighting, don’t make us hand out warnings.


Derby has the same range as AIM120C, so it wouldn’t be so bad if we (israeli mains) will get just that or even both.

Maybe in the summer update or next year we could also get the Derby ER with AIM120C-5. We should make a separate suggestion about these missiles for Ra’am and Adir.

I’ve added a new source that contains every bit of unclassified information that anyone could want: F15I Ra'am by Ra'anan Weiss | PDF to Flipbook

A book written by Ra’anan Weiss!


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