Israel Anti Aircraft

When will we have a good anti-aircraft gun for Israel? I think that the Spyder with an optimal range of 16 km or the Spyder-MR that has a range of 35 km would be a good option for top tier.

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With the extra perk of being able to swat any 155mm shells out of the air.

HSVD/ADAMs is best we probably and the most likely SPAA gonna get for awhile, and I’m using probably very loosely. It has decent range to be on par with the current 11.7 SPAAs, except the Pantsir-S1 ofc, but nojehtelsss, Spyder is gonna be too effective for the game atm…

Isreal ,especially at the start is a mess.A cash grab typical of the game over the last 3 years.

Not really, people wanted Israel added (plus already some in US tree from events) and this is the only way it could be added. If it lacks vehicles then you cannot really turn back time and get them to make vehicles to fit a video game.

Not sure how it can be considered a Cash grab apart from a few premiums that become redundant quickly if you are moving up (I presume the M4 and Spitfire are the bulk of purchases to get the tree rolling).

And just think so many want their favourite nations represented in WT and ignore how poor these trees might come across in the game.


I do understand the drive to push people to spend money (it is a company not a charity), but I bet the vast majority play this totally for free. It is a choice to spend money, and for about £30 a year you can get the Premium bonus if you actually like the game.

Each to their own, but my personal take is if the game is frustrating I won’t give money to try to make it better. I spent money when I was enjoying the game, not to avoid the “progress” or gain any perceived advantage (Flavor Of Month type affair). I understand we are all different and people think throwing money at it will always work, but not everyone is so easily led by a company; I feel sorry for those with the spend while frustrated mentality.

Only item I “regretted” was buffing my Naval crews during the first year of its addition as after a year it had basically died (population-wise) and was altered quite a lot from its original inception (Splitting of classes, quite a rapid power creep, still not sure if coastal really matters since the long termers seemed to want the battleship style gameplay, etc). That one is on me for trying to set up a decent lineup with crews before we knew where Naval was going at the time.


Sorry mate,its terrible and not defensible

Not really. People asked for it knowing it would be a late and limited tree.

The only other option would be “removal” since, apart from Suggestions already in pipeline, there is nothing to fill gaps.

The small positive is Israel rarely plays alone, so the idea of other players on the team supporting one another springs to mind.


Playing the M51 at 6 BR as a single vehicle with multiple respawns is interesting and I had no real issue doing that.It could even be a useful gap filler in other nations. I just had to get used to no SPAA and no CAS.No major loss with my flying skill.Some people did suggest WW2 tanks for Isreal.I went up to 7.7 and gave up on it.

there’s tons of stuff to fill 7.7+