Is tiger h1 worth the grind?

Is the 3 days grind worth the tiger h1 ?

shouldn’t be a 3 day grind but if it is, Its a great tank. Its great when angled, but sucks when unangled, Its gun will 1 shot a lot of things if you bring the one with 200g+ of explosive mass. Its lower pen, but it doesn’t matter as much. So yes, its a great tank and probably worth the grind.


thx for ur help


Yes, it is. Alot of people cry about the armor. But if you angle in it. Its pretty good. Not to mention the good penetration of the gun. As long as you understand weak spots and were to shoot.


fyi ppls talk a lots about angling but most (9/10) tiger i see in game never get it right and still get penned at the corner of their armor so please do keep it in mind. Imo the panther is better to play but the turret rotation can be a bit meh.

It is really not.

Panthers are much better

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All panthers are great and much better than Tiger I

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So don’t play the game as I have vechicles You will never get.

This topic is about Tiger I being worth or not the grind, not that You can’t get something.

By pointing out that the panther II situation have nothing to do with panthers being better than Tiger?

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No, by discouraging players from playing War Thunder.

I’m not discouraging You from playing WT.

I’m pointing out that saying that lack of Panther II in panther line makes panther line pointless is stupid.

Panthers are way better than Tiger I

If used correctly, yes.
Few pointers:

  • Angle, angle, angle! Not angling will guarantee a return to the hangar.
  • Stock shell’s decent, but the one with the higher explosive filler is better.
  • Its mobility is decent.
  • Watch out for M-51s. Even when angled, their HEAT shell can still go through it like butter

That’s all I have to say :)

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And PT-76B. I think they are responsible for 90% of my deaths in Tiger H1

yup, that as well. basically anything with heat lmao

Impossible. What beats Panther armor for a mantlet and overpressure APHE?

Not really. M-51 are a complete joke compared to the Tiger.
You can’t fathom how many times the Tiger was my biggest threat using the M-51.
50% of time the round will either be absorbed into nothingness or the damage is so bad that you just took out something that isn’t the gunner.

First of all, you can not shoot the lower plate, because it won’t stop him from firing back.
You can not hit the glacis because it will just bounce somewhere or just deal no damage.
Which leaves you with the small upper plate, that can get easily result in hitting too high or too low to deal zero damage or you go through and only take out crews in the line of fire, which isn’t good enough.
You have to hit the gunner!!
So you can aim for the turret, right? Well you taking out two crews at best, or maybe nothing because you have to hit him right in the head or shell will jus strike the overlapping part of mantlet and turret, probably dealing no damage.

When he’s over angled, APHE would just go through the lower side, but HEAT hits the overlapping roadwheels, again no damage.

There are few tanks that are so annoying to destroy with HEAT-FS as the Tiger.

Panthers can get killed in one shot from the front, either knocking out the crew or by hitting the ammo that is always behind the driver.

Then there’s the fact that the Tiger is much more stable compared to the M-51. Even when you start to aim first, before your gun is stable, the Tiger has the same chance to fire at you.

The M-51 is one of the worst tanks to take out a Tiger, since any other tank firing APHE or even AP is going to deal massive damage when hitting anywhere in the sides.

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I tested it a bit in protection analysis and it seems that due to the recent HEAT buff, the damage is now good enough to have a much higher chance to disable the Tiger with HEAT.
The roadwheels and tracks also don’t seem to block any damage.

So it’s probably not as bad as I remembered. Might take out the M-51 again too see how it performs now.

Simply wrong. Especially when sniping it is GOATED at taking them down.

Hull-down. It’ll almost completely nullify a Tiger’s APHE, for the mantlet’s really all it can aim for.

Well, duh. Transmission will absorb the damage anyway.

Not to be rude but just aim better.

If you know where to hit, they aren’t so dangerous. When angled, I tend to hit the centre of mass or ammorack to the side of the hull, depending on how much they’ve angled.

Untrue. Simply aim for the ammo rack to either side of the Tiger…