If you que with a 7.7 lineup you que for a 6.7-8.7 game.
I definitely think they should have stopped the game at end of WW2. It is increasingly impossible to balance cold war and more modern vehicles. They should have just made a new game for those vehicles to exist in.
No, I que for a 7.7 game. Why even have Battle ratings at all at this point. ;)
Yeah it makes it hard to balance. I didn’t find it funny driving around in the Maus for the first time last year, just to get ATGM’ed by a BMP-1. something is not adding up here tbh.
This forum has lot of options for making a case when things seem unbalanced. They are best address at the individual vehicle level.
Balancing against que time is part of balancing. At ~8min in que, I quit the game for the day. This happens regularly for me.
I think it is great there is a forum where players can discuss their views. You might notice that some people have different views than you have. Perhaps you might consider that it is more complicated than ‘you are right and they are wrong’.
Personally I only have trouble with uptier games when I am playing above my skill level.
Having only 1 Battle rating in a match would be impossible to do because of BR gaps in tech trees, and it would lead to a massive increase in queue times. There isnt enough people playing one specific BR for that to be possible.
Decompressing the BRs properly is the best way to solve issues with uptiers/downtiers.
Not to mention that game would become boring…every BR would have a specific meta…and everyone would want to play that…
I would not mind if they tried 0.7 spread to see if better or worse…but less than that would not work well
Dont get me wrong, balancing is hard in game like this, but it is frustrating for the players who get to drive their ww2 era tank, just to be molested by a 2000-ish light tank with ATGM’s.
It would be possible to balance a WW2 only game…but that would require complex solutions with different players on each side, asymetrical airpower or messing with ammo or objectives. The present system is simple…and i am guessing the majority of the player base prefer simple solutions in this type of games.
I would like to test other solutions at least…
That said…i really dont see a good way to balance the maus…even if the enemy would outnumber it, not sure if it can be killed by an WW2 allied tank…and game still be interesting for both sides.
You can also be in a “WW2” match with a post war vehicle and get molested by the WW2 tanks.
Take an AMX-13 for example against a King Tiger.
But of course the difference of having to fight against ATGM’s in a WW2 tank of course is more noticeable.
Still, it’s manageable, I find.
As to MM and uptiers in general, I keep repeating that this is just something that mathematically is not possible to prevent: In a system where vehicles are distributed over 4 classes (here BR’s), 2/3 of all classes will feel at a disadvantage and only 1/4 is “top dog”…