Is this actually doable in real life

I was screwing around in the prediction analysis when i went to the best abrams in the use tree i set the tank as the t-72 terms and i shot its heat at the abrams gunner optics, when it hit it said it over pressured the entire crew, i then proceeded to test it on the last Leopard, the challenger 3 and the t-90m and im Curious if this Mechanic in game is similar in real life as a attack strategy

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Short answer: no, long answer: no

Aiming for such small targets as a periscope in a somewhat even tank vs tank confrontation is completely overkill. Normally whoever gets the first shot on the opposition is the winner, even if it doesn’t directly penetrate the crew compartment. Secondly 125mm (let’s take 3BK18M with 2.79kg of TNT equ.) does not have enough HE filler to completely reck every living being inside. It will definitely ring some bells and destroy essential equipment but to the extent WT portraits it, simply no.

Do not take anything in war thunder or any video game alike at face value. Damage models, damage calculations, etc.