I thought it was supposed to be slightly worse kinetically than the amraam, but if I even attempt to launch it at anything further than like 20 - 25km away (while launching above mach 1+ and 5km+ altitude) it can be kinetically defeated by the target just cranking instead of notching or going cold. I can fire an amraam under the same (mach 1+ and 5km+ altitude) launch parameters and actually get hits on targets cranking or notching poorly when I have fired at 40 - 50km. How does this thing have less than half the range of an amraam???
Gaijin nerfed every missile other than the amraam to make the amraam the best one. In reality the pl12 should be equivalent to the aim120c5
and in reality MICA-EM should reach out 80km range (and not 50km like in game,…)
according to irl testing and simulated testing in various simulators, compared to the WT performance of ARH missiles, we can easily deduce that they are pretty much nerfed in WT.
MICA has a lot more range and inertia irl, so does the PL-12/SD-10 (more than aim-120A/B and mid C), R-darter probably has less range irl, due to being quite an early and light weight ARH,
R-77 im sure doesnt have as much drag irl but pretty much the same range give or take a few maybe ten km
That is a pure balancing change, let’s be honest Mica probably out-perform or has similar performance to Aim-120C-5 or C-8.
I would mind a small buff to it one day but for now it’s good enough.
Feel free to bug report if you find a way to do it, I’ll happily support you !
Such a stupid take. Go check the dates on the missiles and youll see why the missiles are nerfed.
As it’s been said hundreds if not thousands of times on these forums, introduction dates don’t matter, only performance does. They quite literally and very simply nerfed the rest of the missiles to make it more fair but also make sure everyone got arh missiles at the same time(minus the Phoenix’s which obviously came in earlier).
They only made the American ones the best because they’re the biggest cash cows.
do you not see the reason why they did that? they didnt want everybody to get insane fox 3s off the bat. if you actually tried to understand why i told you to read the introduction dates you would know. there is quite literally nothing worse they couldve added, its the same thing as the magic 2. do you think it would make for fun gameplay to have the fox 3 be introduced with aim120cs and accurate pl12s and micas? do you think the already compressed game would be fine? use your brain. this was the only way we couldve gotten fox 3s without completely and utterly breaking the game. also Aim120 is absolutely not better than either mica or pl12, pl12 has more range than mica and more maneuverability than aim120, the mica is the best medium Close range missile in the game. aim120s is only better in the initial long range engagement, after that its absolutely not the top missile has the engagement range gets closer. you just need to play different.
I feel like you misread both of my original messages. I never said they did it for no reason, I simply said they nerfed to to be equivalent. You’re literally arguing against nothing.
no you said they nerfed them to make the amraam better.
Better relative to the rest of them
they nerfed it. and tbh im fairly sure maneuverability wise it underperfoming