Is there any HE penetration calculation formula?

I know there is a calculator for AP and APCR, but is there any calculator/formula for pure HE shell penetration values?
I have gathered ~140 different explosive mass shells, and their penetration values, and plotted them with Matlab.

I am planning to do it with every shell in the game, since now i only plotted tank HE shells (and also included a few APHE/SAP rounds that have low flat pen, so the angle pen is actually their HE filler penetration, like on the KV-2, Ho-Ro, Lancia).

From 0g to around 3500-3600g, it is linear, but beyond that, the curve is flatter, and inconsistant.
This is the data i used for the plot: (587 Bytes)

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WarThunder has a table that corelates TNTe to penetration. Give me a moment and I should be able to find it.

Edit: here are the values in that table.

TNTe (kg) Pen (mm)
0.005 2.0
0.1 4.0
0.2 5.0
2.0 25.0
3.0 35.0
5.0 40.0
6.0 50.0
8.0 60.0
9.0 61.0
10.0 62.0
11.0 63.0
25.0 65.0
40.0 70.0
120.0 82.0
300.0 96.0
500.0 111.0
700.0 127.0
1500.0 191.0
3500.0 320.0
5000.0 350.0
6000.0 365.0

And here those values plotted on graphs.


X is TNT equivalent in kg, Y is penetration. First graph has all the plot points.

This second graph shows from 0 to 11 kg, somewhat like the graph you plotted.


I’ve done something similar with Matlab for the top full-calibre KE shell for essential every WWII tank cannon in game.
Don’t have the chart anymore but here’s the raw data if it helps you out

Cannon type Caliber (mm) Muzzle velocity (m/s) Penetration (AP, full caliber, 500m against flat armor) Projectile mass (AP, kg) Barrel length (m) Barrel length (calibers) Reload rate (seconds) User Year Introduced Penetration by caliber Energy (J)
Type 94 37mm Anti-Tank Gun 37 575 27 0.7 1.71 46.1 3.3 Japan 1934 0.73 115718.75
3.7 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 36 37 745 31 0.69 1.67 45 2.9 Germany 1936 0.84 191483.625
Cannone da 47/32 47 630 46 1.5 1.5 32 2.9 Italy 1935 0.98 297675
37 mm M5 37 883 73 0.87 2.09 56.6 2.9 United States 1940 1.97 339164.715
37 mm M6 37 883 73 0.87 2.09 56.6 2.9 United States 1940 1.97 339164.715
47mm SA35 gun 47 660 47 1.62 2.35 50 4 France 1935 1 352836
45 mm anti-tank gun M1937 (53-K) 45 760 46 1.43 2.07 46 2.9 Soviet Union 1937 1.02 412984
76 mm regimental gun M1927 76.2 370 34 6.3 1.25 16.4 4 Soviet Union 1927 0.45 431235
Ordnance Quick-Firing 2 pounder 40 853 77 1.24 2.08 52 2.8 Britain 1936 1.93 451117.58
50 mm Kampfwagenkanone 38 50 685 62 2.05 2.1 42 4 Germany 1938 1.24 480955.625
Type 1 47 mm anti-tank gun 47 808 67 1.49 2.52 53.7 3.3 Japan 1941 1.43 486383.68
75 mm Kampfwagenkanone 37 75 385 45 6.78 1.76 23.5 3.3 Germany 1937 0.6 502482.75
45 mm anti-tank gun M1942 (M-42) 45 870 54 1.43 3.06 68 3 Soviet Union 1942 1.2 541183.5
SA35 L/17 (75mm) 75 470 50 6.4 1.28 17 8.6 France 1935 0.67 706880
5 cm Kampfwagenkanone 39 50 835 83 2.05 3 60 3.7 Germany 1939 1.66 714655.625
57 mm M1 57 900 103 2.85 2.85 50 4 United States 1942 1.81 1154250
75 mm Gun M2 75 588 84 6.79 2.33 31 4.8 United States 1940 1.12 1173800.88
Ordnance Quick-Firing 6 pounder 57 853 101 3.23 2.85 50 4 Britain 1942 1.77 1175088.535
L-11 76.2 mm tank gun 76.2 615 79 6.5 2.32 30.5 7.1 Soviet Union 1939 1.04 1229231.25
Ansaldo 75 mm L/34 gun 75 637 71 6.35 2.55 34 5 Italy 1943 0.95 1288316.575
75 mm Gun M6 75 618 90 6.79 2.93 39 6.5 United States 1942 1.2 1296631.98
75 mm Gun M3 75 618 90 6.79 3 40 5 United States 1941 1.2 1296631.98
76mm tank gun M1940 F-34 76.2 662 87 6.5 3.24 42.5 6.9 Soviet Union 1940 1.14 1424293
76mm tank gun M1941 ZiS-5 76.2 662 87 6.5 3.24 42.5 6.9 Soviet Union 1941 1.14 1424293
76 mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3) 76.2 662 87 6.5 3.25 42.6 6 Soviet Union 1942 1.14 1424293
75mm type 3 668 6.56 1463614.72
57 mm anti-tank gun M1943 (ZiS-2) 57 990 128 3.14 4.16 73 5 Soviet Union 1943 2.25 1538757
75 mm Kampfwagenkanone 40 (Early) 75 740 123 6.8 3.23 43 5.9 Germany 1940 1.64 1861840
Cannone Ansaldo da 105/25 105 500 81 15.65 2.63 25 10 Italy 1943 0.77 1956250
75 mm Kampfwagenkanone 40 (Late) 75 770 130 6.8 3.6 48 5.9 Germany 1940 1.73 2015860
3-inch gun M5 76.2 792 133 7 3.43 45 5.9 United States 1943 1.75 2195424
76mm M1A1 76.2 792 7 2195424
Type 5 75 mm tank gun 75 865 137 6.75 4.23 56.4 3.3 Japan 1945 1.83 2525259.375
85mm D-5 tank gun 85 792 126 9.2 4.68 55 7.4 Soviet Union 1939 1.48 2885414.4
75 mm Kampfwagenkanone 42 75 935 173 6.8 5.25 70 7.4 Germany 1942 2.31 2972365
Ordnance Quick-Firing 17 Pounder 76.2 883 172 7.71 4.19 55 4.7 Britain 1944 2.26 3005701.095
Cannone da 90/53 90 773 146 11.1 4.77 53 8 Italy 1939 1.62 3316285.95
8.8 cm Kampfwagenkanone 36 88 810 151 10.2 4.93 56 7.4 Germany 1936 1.72 3346110
90 mm Gun M3 90 853 160 10.94 4.77 53 7.5 United States 1938 1.78 3980021.23
8.8 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 43 88 1000 222 10.16 6.25 71 8.5 Germany 1943 2.52 5080000
90 mm Gun T15E2 90 975 206 10.94 6.57 73 14.5 United States 1945 2.29 5199918.75
105 mm schwere Kanone 18 105 822 173 15.56 5.46 52 10 Germany 1934 1.65 5256821.52
Ordnance Quick-Firing 32 Pounder 94 929 241 14.5 4.7 50 8.6 Britain 1945 2.56 6257047.25
100 mm D-10 tank gun 100 895 220 15.9 5.35 53.5 10.5 Soviet Union 1944 2.2 6368148.75
105 mm Experimental High Velocity cannon 105 914 181 16 4.73 45 8.6 Japan 1945 1.72 6683168
152 mm howitzer M1938 (M-10) 152.4 530 90 51.06 3.7 24.3 33.3 Soviet Union 1938 0.59 7171377
105 mm Gun T5E1 105 914 238 17.7 6.83 65 12.5 United States 1945 2.27 7393254.6
122 mm gun M1931/37 (A-19) 122 795 192 25 5.65 46.3 20.8 Soviet Union 1931 1.57 7900312.5
152 mm howitzer-gun M1937 (ML-20) 152.4 600 161 48.8 4.25 27.9 21.3 Soviet Union 1937 1.06 8784000
155 mm Gun T7 155 670 187 45.36 6.36 41 29.9 United States 1945 1.21 10181052
120 mm Gun T53 120 960 263 22.6 7.2 60 14.9 United States 1944 2.19 10414080
130 mm/50 B13 Pattern 1936 130 870 190 33.5 6.5 50 19.2 Soviet Union 1936 1.46 12678075
12.8 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 44 128 950 257 28.3 7.04 55 18.2 Germany 1944 2.01 12770375
155 mm Howitzer M1 Long Tom 155 837 191 45.36 6.98 45 90 United States 1940 1.23 15888904.92

Where could i find it?
Is there any raw data too?

I found it on the datamine git hub.

I don’t quite know what you mean by raw data though.

By raw data i mean it being in an array, like this:
0.01 1
0.13 2
and so on

Or basically like in the zip file i provided.

Ah ok. Well the table I posted pretty much is that raw data.

It does not seem fine enough, unless i want to pixelhunt.

Also, so there isn’t a calculation formula out there?

There doesn’t seem to be a formula. WarThunder just “connects the dots” between each of the values in that table, probably with the assumption that 0 kg of TNTe means 0 mm of penetration.

So basically whenever you have a specifc TNTe value, you look at the “previous” and “next” dot in TNTe with their respective penetration values, and just do a linear function between the two.

That’s why the 2nd image of the graph I provided matches yours basically perfectly, except for the fact that in-game values are rounded.

Here, I plotted two graphs showing your values and the ones I’ve provided. (I multiplied the weight values from my table by 1000 to turn kilograms into grams)


The areas where there seems to be larger bumps are precisely due to the game rounding the shown values, rounding up if the decimal is 0.5 or over, and rounding down otherwise.

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Yes, i see.

Tho then, where do they get the references from? Actual data (like army test reports)? simulation?

Oh I have absolutely no idea.

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I am mainly interested in it, because as far as i know, for most penetrations, they use the formula that is used with their calculator on one of their webpages.

God really hates the number 5, so he made physics work less well for 5kg than other numbers of kg


I’m explaining the real life reason why the graph dips weirdly at 5kg and otherwise follows a smooth curve.

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Oh, now i get it xd. It’s certainly weird.