Is there a way to completely disable MAW

is there a way to completely disable MAW for aircraft and helicopters?

EDIT: NVM, I fuigured it out

You can uninstall the modification, but if you want the warning but not the auto-deploy I’m pretty sure you’ll have to manually turn that off every game. I may be wrong.

uninstalling it will unequip extra countermeasure

tried that it didn’t work, but I figured it out I had to disable activate countermeasures on spawn

I have this option disabled and I have to disable it in battle whenever I get new aircraft with MAW.


That’s what I did on my Eurocopter, countermeasures are kinda pointless on Helis at least for SPAA because the majority are SACLOS and the IR guided ones are pretty much unflareable anyway and depend more on dodging.

actually against IR you just have to put flares between you and the missile but most people don’t do that/ don’t get the time to do that

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