So I’m very considering getting the “USS Arkansas” question is though, is it good for grinding top tier in Naval Battles and Silver Lions?
I would wait for a 50% sale of sorts like the one that might come relatively soon for wt birthday. But as a prem to grind whole of US naval and silver lines with its a very good pick especially if you aren’t into extreme glass cannon playstyle Des Moines offers.
There are probably more forgiving better rp farmers with you can talisman near top rank in the tree but obviously you have to get them 1st for that.
Helena is obviously strong premium only it still isn’t rank V (might happen in future) so you miss on researching the rank 6 boats with it.
For lions its worth noting most tech tree ships and premiums higher than 4.7 feature already maximum base lions modifier of 600% (for realistic) so every premium boats pretty much makes “just” 2 times more lions than tech tree boats regardless if its a Helena or a Arkansas.
Arkansas definitely is a decent jack of all trades battleship giving gameplay that differs quite a bit from later more clunky reload american battleships. Guns can do devastating damage due to their numbers and have rather fast reload which in right hands make it a monster. With 6.7 matchmaker not being the worst int he world and still being rather tanky its not that held back up by being so close to 7.0s.
It can get ammo racked rather easily with very well placed shots but its no Des Moines that even weakest cruisers can rack with ease. Living a long time in battles does also reward a lot more research through time played in the vehicle.