Is the T-80U-E1 Worth it?

I am thinking of ether getting the T-80U-E1 or the T-72AV (TURMS). But i would like to know which is better before purchasing. Thank You!

Is the T-80U-E1 worth it?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Or the T-72AV (TURMS)?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Howdy! I don’t have either of them, but would recommend with whichever one you get you wait for it to go on sale before you buy. There is one coming up, so the turms might be on sale. The T-80U-E1 won’t tho. Hope that helps :)

Do you play on Xbox?

Ahh no. I forgot you did. There still might be a chance for one on Xbox though. If you join the WT group though you should get an alert about when sales are on xbox