Is the moderator Catweazle still around? I had to send him a message but he is not there in the list of moderators/admins.
I remember him on the old forum. Here, I didn’t see him.
Are the game masters also forum moderators? If not then who is the forum moderator?
Forum Moderators:
( Contact them if you have problems with Forum or Forum Members - you can find them here )
- [crazed_feel]
- [falco416]
- [Redmisty]
- [syndrome23]
- [TheCheshireCat]
- [Turxtar]
Senior Forum Moderators:
(Contact them if those above cannot help you or you have Moderation Issues)
- [BlueBeta]
- [DieJagdente]
- [Pacifica]
- [PantherAl ]
- [Poussin_Pouipoui]
- [Soric_]
- [TheElite96]
Community Manager:
(Contact if those above cannot help you or you want to escalate problems with the Staff)
- [Stona]
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