Not that it never existed, but it wasn’t what it is in the game…
Just browsing around YT lately and came across this video that suggests that the FV4202 was largely built from non-armour steel.
Specifically the turret was cast steel at the front, and the sides and rear only 30mm rolled steel - not armour grade see 8.03 in the video. (note we do already have 1 vehicle that has only non-armour grade Steel - the VT1-2)
And the 20 pdr used bagged ammo - not the fixed ammo used in the service version.
also of course it was not a prototype Chieftain at all - it was a test bed for various things some of which were later used in the Chieftain, but that’s not all that important…
Much or perhaps all of the info is also at FV4202 - The Tank that Led to Chieftain -
Unfortunately youtube videos arent usable as evidence for reports. Although Ed from armoured archives is usually pretty good for sending people documents on vehicles he’s researched if you ask him
From what I know the FV4202 was basically just a testbed for various ideas.
But I guess it doesn’t hurt to have an actual functioning tank in the game.
Which is why it isn’t a report …
It would still function made of mild steel… but maybe 1 BR lower or more :)
That’s incorrect.
Interviews aren’t usable.
Video isn’t usable for timing.
Video is usable for all other types of reporting.
FV4202 runs a cast turret in-game.
It’s real, the armor type and thickness you listed are actually quite common for that time period and BR
I was just saying just in case. if I could find something saying it wasn’t armour plate to get 4202 put comically low so it would be a godly tank I would do it
Really? What other vehicles use non-armour grade steel, other than the VY1-2 I mentioned??
m551, and all m113 varients, they have aluminum armor, not steel…
Right - yes they have armour grade aluminium… wasn’t what I was thinking of
actually its just 3080 aluminum IIRC and you can go buy that at hardware stores
It’s a 4y/o video with no cited ‘firsthand’ sources, so…
only as a supplementary to evidence already given
Ive used videos as supplimentary for a bug report which was accepted. I’ve also taken screenshots from WoT “inside the tanks” videos for proof and they got passed as it was photographic evidence
lol XD WOT video for WT LMAO
WoT has done a series where presenters show the inside of real tanks and its a pretty solid insight to crew compartments as there isn’t often any other places to find that one angle to prove that an ammo storage bin was armoured or something
yea I know its just funny that they let that be used cause it was WOT
Yea you really wouldnt expect it from wargaming now but they used to be really into the history of it all