yeah, id like the abrams to be the brawler/sniper it is IRL
CAPTOR-E is brand new and features capabilies the F-35 doesnt have. Like the ability to angle the radar. Given the track record for European radar tech. Its fair to say it will be good.
Without evidence either way though, its impossible to compare, but an attitude of “its US therefore it is the best” which is so often the case in online communities from Americans is just a non-starter.
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there is the APG-85 though
this is all pure speculation on my part, but i think its a GaN radar with azimuth exceeding 120 degress, through angling or something else entirely
or even a quantum radar, who knows
Should be doable to have 120 degree azimuth although no one knows where development of GaN radar is RN, mostly guess work。
GaN radar already in service with USMC on their hornets
We do know that but not their stats or anything. Plus other than US no other countries sort of went this way or at least not openly. Some sources suggest CHina also used GaN for radars but no specific sources.
Gripen E radar is GaN too though, not just us
as for advantges, more power dense, efficient, and higher frequencies, as well as thermal management
Not into service though, they did say it will be this year but I haven’t seen any reports, u got any?
put on hornets by 2022 though
i think gripen E in service with sweden and brazil by now
Dunno, they altered the plans at the end of last year (2023), so don’t know if Gripen Es are quite in service yet.
Hornets are promising though. Getting really off topic here.
so, what are the chances of them modelling DU rounds and armor properly?
None, unless we can give stats. Which is quite unlikely unless some declassified material exists, which I doubt it does. DU rounds wise, IDK, Russia also has 3BM59 which provides a bit of context as to how much DU improves from tungsten penetrators, but still difficult.
well, there are papers on its post penetration effects, and penetration capability, but no hard numbers for the rounds themselves
i think a post pen buff is the most reasonable and likely
The latest Russian rehashing of a glorified T-64 isn’t going to hold up to challenger 1 let alone the most recent of NATO kit. Liberties have been made to all
muh invincible west tanko, seriously you westaboos are the new wehraboos
Not claiming they are invincible lmfao. Just that its all substantially better than the things a collapsing communist empire could produce. Also notice how you can still tell that its a Challenger 2 once knocked out when most of the time you cant tell easily what T64 version that pile of scrap is. Can also guarantee the Challenger crew walked away
and how many of them has uk left? like 200? And how many they gave to ukaine? 14? What a joke
how many tanks does russia have left from the ones they started recent events with? that’s testament to the quality and a firm indicator of being an inferior tank