Is Talisman Worth it for The Pz.Kpfw. VIII Maus?

So well I am waiting for the Pz.Kpfw. VIII Maus I was wondering if I should put talisman for the Maus tank, and also would upgrading it to “Ace” for my it’s be worth it as well?

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Depends if you enjoy it or not, or can see yourself playing it lots.

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Only if you can promise not to complain about it, and if you enjoy the Maus of course.


Whats wrong with HEATFS?

Some people go insane complaining about HEAT-FS penning their armor at low tier, everything there is to be said about it has already been said so I just don’t want him to come back and complain about it. It’s more of a joke/warning.

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he he the lowest heat I personally have is 6.7 and that’s because I spaded the m56 lol

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I would grind for that R3 heat but I’m too lazy lol

I personally would only talisman vehicles that i truly enjoy and can play anytime, so if you enjoy the Maus, then go ahead! :)

That’s a good point there my friend. So if i like playing as the T-32E5 a lot then Talisman would be worth it for that?

Do you mean the T-32E1? As I don’t think there is a E5 variant, but if thats the case (and you get succesful matches) then sure, go ahead! If you want to talisman a vehicle you don’t really exactly “like”, then i guess its best to go for something at rank 7, as you get the most from the talisman there, because it’s not like a premium where every rank with it and below it you get RP without and punishment, it only works with its full effect with the rank it’s at, 1 rank below and 1 rank above.

Also something very important I almost forgot to say. If you wait until the 1st November (WT sale), then talismans will be 50% off.

Yeah oops 😅