Is Talisman Worth it for The Pz.Kpfw. VIII Maus?

So well I am waiting for the Pz.Kpfw. VIII Maus I was wondering if I should put talisman for the Maus tank, and also would upgrading it to “Ace” for my it’s be worth it as well?

Depends if you enjoy it or not, or can see yourself playing it lots.


Only if you can promise not to complain about it, and if you enjoy the Maus of course.


Whats wrong with HEATFS?

Some people go insane complaining about HEAT-FS penning their armor at low tier, everything there is to be said about it has already been said so I just don’t want him to come back and complain about it. It’s more of a joke/warning.

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he he the lowest heat I personally have is 6.7 and that’s because I spaded the m56 lol

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I would grind for that R3 heat but I’m too lazy lol

I personally would only talisman vehicles that i truly enjoy and can play anytime, so if you enjoy the Maus, then go ahead! :)

That’s a good point there my friend. So if i like playing as the T-32E5 a lot then Talisman would be worth it for that?

Do you mean the T-32E1? As I don’t think there is a E5 variant, but if thats the case (and you get succesful matches) then sure, go ahead! If you want to talisman a vehicle you don’t really exactly “like”, then i guess its best to go for something at rank 7, as you get the most from the talisman there, because it’s not like a premium where every rank with it and below it you get RP without and punishment, it only works with its full effect with the rank it’s at, 1 rank below and 1 rank above.

Also something very important I almost forgot to say. If you wait until the 1st November (WT sale), then talismans will be 50% off.

Yeah oops 😅