Is Leclerc ever going to get its 90km top speed?

So all the Leclerc’s went up to BR 12.0 the other day. They didn’t get a OFL-120-F2 or DM53 shell, they didn’t get their proper amour or a spall-liner. There has been a bug report for 90km top speed for awhile now, is that ever going to be fixed? or is Gaijin just going to ignore


An extra 20kp/h top speed with the same engine and Transmission, it would end up accelerating slower than a Challenger 2.


Do it Gaijin

this is from the Leclerc forum, it should explain the problem better than I can. The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff - #2317 by Mulatu_Astatke

No point, the stabilisers don’t work beyond 75.

Right, because you routinely manage to succesfully get kills at 75 km/h …


The report proves that it can reach 90kmh before the Stabilizer starts to lose its accuracy. If you read the linked reports, it says it can retain remarkable accuracy at 90kmh in firsthand reports.

That’s why they’d need to give it the Hyperbar system too, though both sounds like too much for Gaijin