Is it necessary to buff the T-72B in game?

The T-72B looks awkward when compared with the ZTZ-96A which is also in 10.0
For firepower, 3BM42 is slighty worse than DTC-1985/125-I, and 9M119 is almost useless in game. T-72B has fixed magnification gunsight, no thermal device, and no commander fire control, falling behind ZTZ-96A in all aspects. Their mobility performance is similiar, but T-72B has slower reverse speed. They share similiar characteristics in protection, same weakspots for instance.
My suggestion is that T-72B should be lowered to 9.7, or a 1st-gen thermal device could be added like the 1PN96MT02. In exchange, the 9M119 missile will be removed.

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Its fine as is, idk what you mean its worse than a ztz-96.
Better armour, barrel launched ATGM, and looks cooler (not biased)

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No, it’s fine wehre it is.
The K1 version should be dropped to 9.7, keep the K5 (1989) at 10.0.
And the version they got in the game is correcly model.
If they want, they can add the T-72B1MS since it’s a Russian option to upgrade T-72B/A, it’s has the same armor as T-72B with K1 but has the FCS of T-72B3.

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Then where would T-64B go ? it already at 9.7 and has a weaker armor than T-72B.
I would said they both are fine as it is.
But as many people point out (so many time that) BR need to be Decompress. So vehicles like this doesn’t suffer with uptier problem.

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There is some trade off for armor, the T-64B has better sight zoom and extra one degree gun depression, which the one degree alone makes difference on how quickly you can find your barrel low enough to shoot your target while on some rough/elevated surface, with these advantages I actually rate the T-64B being overall better than the T-72B, there is more places you can hide your hull and still able to lower your gun enough to shoot at target with -6 depression, even TURMS without the thermal sight is actually worse than the T-64B in terms of overall protection because it’s just a T-72A with tons of goodies.

Or we could not force 8.7 to fight autoloaded laser ranged 3BM42 from a tank with several hundred millimeters of composite under ERA. Move the other vehicles up, they can handle it. It’s not like 11.3 is exactly often downtiered.

tbh that sight zoom and extra one degree gun depression ain’t that much worth to trade with armor given you already had Laser range finder which automatic adjust shell fall off for you.
Also you can use entrenching equipment to dig the soft ground and help with the lack of gun depression.

Those T72s would be fine if they would have thermals, like gen1 or sth.

Otherwise, its instant skip, no good vehicle until 10.3 T80