Is it fair for Israel's F-16A (no radar-guided missiles) and early FA-18C to both be rated 12.7? Are IR missiles superior to AIM-7P?

I’m really puzzled.Is the F-16A that formidable?The Israeli F-16A,which is only equipped with 6 python3 Sidewinder missiles,has a rating of 12.7.It’s important to note that it doesn’t even have radar-guided missiles,meaning it lacks the capability for medium-range and beyond-visual-range attacks.So why does the Su-27,which carries 6 R-27ER missiles and 4 R-73 missiles,only have a rating of 13.0?The Sidewinder missile doesn’t even have anti-jamming capabilities,and its performance is almost identical to that of the AIM-9L.Why is its rating so high?Is it because Israeli players are particularly smart and skilled?


When playing the Israeli F-16A,in each match you have to face aircraft that are much more powerful than it,such as the Su-27SM,J-10A,JF-17,Su-34,and F-15C.Even encountering the F-4S is difficult to handle.Why is its tier level 12.7?Can someone give me a reasonable explanation?

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The problem Is not its b.r. , but the b.r. compression itself.


Python 3s are not part of the Sidewinder series, they are domestically Israeli and have a significantly different design.

Like Pietr said, the issue here isn’t in the BRs, but it’s in the compression of Top Tier rn

I’m gonna nitpick this. The 9L and Python are very similar, but they are not identical in any way, other than being IR All-Aspect
Python 3: 40G, 20s guidance time, less range, faster?
AIM-9L: 30G, 60s guidance time, longer range, slower

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Python 4 is both longer range and higher maneuverability than AIM-9L. Its immediate acceleration is more than 2 times that of the AIM-9L. Python 3 has an effective dual-stage design, where the extremely powerful booster burns for a 0.785 second (this booster exerts 37675 N) and then a short sustainer kicks in to maintain the speed (2.85 seconds burn time with 20500 N force exerted). In comparison, AIM-9L has a singular 5.3 second burn with 10800 N force. In total, this evens out to have just a bit less total delta V than the Python 3, but the Python’s thrust configuration is much more favourable.

Combined with the 40G max overload of Python 3 (and related factors that make it more maneuverable), Python 3 is undoubtedly much better than AIM-9L. I regard it as 30% more effective.


However,it is still an infrared missile and does not have anti-jamming capabilities.How can it be compared to a radar-guided missile?Why is it that the early version of the upcoming FA-18C,when equipped with the Sparrow 7P,also has a range of 12.7?Is this fair?

It’s not fair, I agree. In particular, F/A-18A and C early incoming BR of 12.7 is too low; it should be 13.0 or even 13.3 considering the great flight model and numerous missiles. The low BR is most likely an intentional tactic to raise sales of the F/A-18 premium pack.

Regarding 12.7 Netz, it’s slightly worse than most planes at the BR, but still competitive. It’s still and F-16; the airframe allows for diverse tactics despite the lack of radar missiles. In my opinion, F-16 Netz is entirely justified at a weight of 12.7.

F18A only gets 9L unless they changed it

My mistake. As well as that, the reality of the situation is of 12.3 F/A-18A, 12.7 F/A-18C early (premium), and 14.0 F/A-18C late. In my opinion, F/A-18C early is still under tiered; F/A-18A more egregiously so. Such levels of performance are unusually strong for the BR of both.

We need compression here! Title compression!

the 12.3 legacy hornet gets low top speed mig 21 is faster than it on deck and also only has 2 radar missiles max and 6 9L ive seen more op 12.3s before but till they decompress it should stay there ideally it would be 12.7 and early 18C got aim-9m and moved to 13.0

For Gaijin? Yes.
They think its comparable to the AIM-9M

what needs to happen is the br limit for both air and ground need to go up dramatically, there needs to be serious decompression and an overhauled matchmaking system to account for whatever variables can affect performance (for example a lower br if you have not unlocked ARH missiles and higher if you have unlocked ARH missiles (something like that anyway)).

I thought it was supposed to get 7p, or is the next two models that get it, F/A-18C and premium hornet

just the 7M as far as i know

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Yeah i saw that in a zenturion video today, thanks for the clarification.