Is AoA Limiter planned to be for all aircraft in the future?

But the problem is that we have arbitrary limits on our controls. The mouse aim instructor prevents high AOA.

Maybe a costom AOA limit within a range that you can set in settings

to prevent you from ending in a flatspin. however if you want this limit (which has a different purpose than the aoa limiter people here are asking for) removed, then i will support it

Still hoping that the F-14 AOA limiter report goes though so it can reach it’s max instantaneous AOA like it did in it’s testing when it’s SAS was disabled.

[DEV] All F-14s are missing the “AoA Limiter” / “Maneuver” mode // // Issues

Reminder that the F-14’s AOA gauge is a suggestion not a requirement and it should not be wing stalling as hard as it does currently, thing departs like a F-16 a low speeds and ultra high AOA at nearly all speeds which is crazy.

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Bro claims that both controls can be improved. Why not.

Does anyone actually use joystick to play ARB? 2014 Phly?

Skill issue if you cannot understand what mouse aim means for ARB.

I’ve used it a few times when I was too lazy to disconnect my sim set up lol.


skill issue if you cant control your aoa

"-Hey let’s bind a key for radar!
-No it’s skill issue if you can’t go through the whole Y panel in 0.2 secs“

“No you can’t bind separate keys for radar that’s too fast to much advantage”

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it’s simple. radar operation requires you to use keybinds, however to control your aoa in dogfight it is based on how you fly your plane. dogfights will be boring when everyone just holds a button down. it should take skill to fly your plane because it is an important game aspect. radars will always be navigated through buttons instead of flight controls.
nice false equivalency though.

If you unlocks your AoA you lose speed, if you lock AoA you lose angle.

Now we have Neg G and Change Full Control. Controls are always in our hands, though weird and complex as Y panel

Facts told, equivalence holds =D
Btw actual skill issue if one understands dogfights as “Hold S”

guess what: if you pull, you pull and if you push, you push. You can do both, no one is preventing you from controlling your plane in dogfight from doing what you want it to do.

sure the Y panel is same as dogfightning with your controls. im sure you open your Y panel to roll your plane.

AoA matters. W and S is like Lock of radar. Press and done.

Neg G and Change Full Control areis the TDC/search areas/modes etc. Surely you are willing to use the Y panel than a single key :D

sure, you have W and S just like locking of radar. have fun controlling your aircraft. you have all you need. if aoa matters then do it with W and S.

you have W and S for yourself just as you said. if aoa matters then change your aoa with W and S.


And have fun pressing Lock only xD

you’re the one who bowed down lol

And wish you a happy 81st anniv of Pskov offensive, International Women’s Day and Finnish Airforce Day!

AOA helps determine lift and stall potential, while the angle above the horizon indicates the vertical climb or descent, and a positive climb occurs when the angle above the horizon is positive.

AOA is the angle between the wing’s chord line (the imaginary line from the leading edge to the trailing edge) and the relative airflow (the direction from which the air is coming).
The AOA controls the lift generated by the wing. A higher AOA will generally generate more lift, but also more drag, and can lead to a stall if it becomes too steep.

For everyone else - not all jets can sustain the “magic button” as they will literally become a falling brick.

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Nice explanation :) I found this illustration to show it quite nicely as well:

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I saw! I just put it to words for those who can’t read picture :)

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Can confirm, thats actually a big one.
Having flown both the tomcat and naval flanker in DCS (excuse me for my lack of better source on how the plane “feels” and “behaves” from pilot’s POV) as well as in WT, I can say that both behave VERY close in “do or die” scenario. What I mean is that Su-33 can pull really hard with its special switch disabled, and the tomcat can do exactly the same (in DCS) by just, like, pulling the stick really hard. No reason it shouldnt have the cobra button. Maybe name it “allow the pilot to pull unsafely” or whatever. Otherwise, same exact thing frome game mechanics standpoint.

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