IRIS-T - The pinnacle of IR guided Short Range Air to Air Missiles

the special flares also wont work if the IRIS-T is very close

You know thats how it work in all IR missiles. Even when you make a giant heat signature in the air, if the plane is right behind it, it wont matter.

currently in game flares pop away from the plane and there is a very low chance for a flare to be directly in the line of sight of seeker and plane

I mean Irl. When you drop a IR cm and missile is just behind you, it will fly into the cm and find your plane. The way these flares are supposed to be used is you drop it and change direction so the missile flies to the giant ir source and finds nothing behind.

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Possible downside to the IRIS-T is the radar proxy fuse may go off on a towed decoy or perhaps the flares have a special form of chaff along with that can set off the proxy fuse. Radar reflectors and all that.

Yea, rf proxy sadly has its issues. Not sure if the flares are mixed with chaff, but i wont be surprised if they do. Can also be jammed.

Obviously both optical and radar fuses have their issues. That’s why some missiles combine them.

I say fuck it and add it all, let players learn and figure out just why stand-off capability has become so prudent in today’s warfare. Defending against modern IR fighter based missiles are almost impossible when you’re in the no escape zone.

Yes, the RF proximity fuse on the AIM-9D/G/H was known to be at risk of triggering if the missile flew through chaff IIRC.

I imagine the IRIS-T one will be a bit more resilient though.

That’s why I first mentioned decoys, those may pose a larger issue than the chaff but will be made worse when in the presence of it.

the fuze is seeker assisted…
and honestly if you really think that between aim-9H and IRIS-T they didnt improve radar fuzes then idk what to tell you

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DIRCM or large caliber pyrotechnic flares wont help against imaging seeker with indium antimonide array detectors and modern signal processing and IR filtering. It cant be realistically defeated by laser either as it will guide on laser source.
There are IR spectrums and modern IR sensors operate on multiple spectrums. It can literally ignore whole IR spectrum and see directly through it.


The same can be said for the likes of the AIM-9X, which has been decoyed and also missed obvious targets even when countermeasures weren’t present. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves in the hype train again.



AIM-9X can see temperature differences, like every other IR missile I suppose but the point is that it can pick up the heat reflected off the balloon in comparison to the surrounding atmosphere. That missile shot was also close range as well.

This is only in theory

Some IRIS-T action from Falcon BMS, Notice how smooth thurst vectoring operates. No spinning like crazy or having difficulty to track off-boresight targets…

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strange flight profile but yeah
gaijin has to work on their TVC

yeah, it is interesting goes top down at the end for some reason. i guess that’s what happens when you try to simulate a missile with little to no data available.

Blockquotegaijin has to work on their TVC

They should write the code from the scratch, It was always like this since 2019. Now people started to notice more due to R-73