IRIS-T SL - The Surface Launched variant

i think he specialy meaned the ones cuirrently in german service or confirmed to be

That round 30mm turret is only in Lithuanian service

ok fair enough

you dont seem to understand what hit rate means…

yeah and russia claims way more ridiculous stuff that is proven more then wrong just saying

You don’t seem to understand what you’re writing about-as a former pvoshnik-I’ll explain…The coefficient of defeat, for example, by one missile is 0.7… by two missiles 0.85…with three missiles 0.92-0.98 …
Here the drone first detected the radar, then another drone struck it…
Both have a speed no higher than 300 km/h-what 100% hit are you talking about …
The highest hit rate so far is with the S-125M1 NEVA-M1 (0.99-two missiles in a narrow ray) …
To claim 100%-it is necessary to give the numbers of missile launches in accordance with the downed targets…otherwise, it’s just a fantasy…
For example, I can write that the Buk-M3-hit 320% of the detected targets…
How will we check such information???

1 missile launched - 1 target it = 100%
thats what they’re talking about.
is that so hard to understand?


Could be 100% intercept rate which mean every missile that go into the sam engagement rate get intercepted. Does not mean every missile is a hit.
The crotale NG given by France also has a “100%” interception rate but we see that some missile missed on video.

Furthermore with the low number of IRIS-T Ukraine has, they probably shoot on target with very higth probability of kill (ie target very close to the launcher, not at maximum range.) to optimise the usefullness of each missile.
That’s why missile strike are still hapening.

Another article of the boxer system, seems lile it will have a 8km-12km range

This is sth i am looking forward to, since it can replace the Flakrakrad well, better missles, smaller silhouette , more mobile, more missles before reload.

And if we get more boxer systems. Cas wont have an easy job discerning danger

For the IRIS-T SLS, the max range is more 10km than the 12km stated in your thread.

I’ve read all the sources (nice collection by the way) and only two talk about the range of the SLS system:
A primary source from Diehl that says 10km max range and a 5km max altitude.
A secondary source from an italaian defense mag that says 12km and a 20km max altitude. (This has no sense so can we believe this secondary source, i’m not sure).

Primary source:

Secondary source:

yeah, but that is why always a rough estimation is given, it depends of the altitude of the target etc, generaly always expect the lower value to be more accurate

It can’t be believed because altitude coverage is supposed to be shorter than range coverage. So 10km range and 5km altitude makes much more sense.

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range estimates are all over the place. i took the 12km range from the picture with the SLS Mk III. maybe the launch angle makes a difference, idk

Replaying a bit late, but indeed it seems like on the SLS MK III the max range is 12km and max altitude.

This image also says 12km max range.

This image (on the BV410) says 10km max range and 6km max altitude.

So it look like indeed that the launch angle make a difference.
It’s probably due to the fact that in optimal case, where the launch vehicule is face toward the target, the missile just have to go straigh instead of going up and using thrust vectoring to turn toward the target. This simple maneuvers cost a lot of energy for the missile so the reduction from 12 to 10km could come from that.
The max altitude doesen’t change between those systems so there is probably no diffference between those missiles. (Time of introduction …)

The negative point of the system (SLS MKIII) is that you probably need at least 3 vehicule to have a 360° cover while you have that capability with only one when it’s vertical launched.

So both the IRIS-T on the BV410 and on the SLS MKIII could be interesting in game with their flaw and their own advantage.

For reference the CHAPARRAL missile we have in game have a theorical max range of 6km and max altitude of 4km with 18g missile.
So the IRIS-T would have double the range, a bit more altitude covorage, quadruple the maneuvrability (at short range with TVC) and probably more than double at long range, a almost unflarable seeker.
Could be balanced at 12.0.

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HYDEF Project reaches next milestone | Diehl Defence
HYDEF development contracts have just been signed

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It’s unfortunate that we still have concurence in Europe even for next gen project sutch as anti- hypersonic missile interceptor.
A cooperation between Diehl with the HYDEF and MBDA with the Aquilla would spare money since the goal between the 2 missiles is bassicaly the same.

We always talk about european defense but saving money by developing jointly would boost Europe defense without buying American or Israely

MBDA is involved in ESSI by producing Patriot missiles so they’re not complaining.

Aquilla is also a much newer system, only revealed this year whereas IRIS-T HYDEF has been worked on since last year(because it was selected back then as a cooperation between other nations)

The EU HYDEF collaboration also includes eleven other parties. They are Escribano Mechanical and Engineering, GMV Aerospace and Defense, Instalaza S.A., Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial Esteban Terradas of the Ministry of Defense, Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych in Warsaw, Poland, LK Engineering in the Czech Republic, Nammo in Norway, Ruag Space in Sweden, and Sonaca Group in Belgium.

these are in addition to Sener(Spain) and Diehl(Germany)


Anyone know if there are any releases on wether the Boxer FlaRak will carry reloads?

that is so far only a concept and more details are probably classified