Invisible missiles need to be removed, made visible

Sure keep playing without dicipline and fly like an drone target, in that case my Aim-9P will have no trouble to track and shoot you down.

(Might as Well i can dogfight with target drone, bet it can perform better then you).

You literally ignored both of my responses/arguments, responded to Panther with “BS reasoning” with no further elaboration and asked for a 1v1 lmao, and then called his valid point a “garbage strawman argument”, again with no further elaboration.


Didn’t know 9M always is fired front aspect , my bad. I’ll never look behind me again. And if the plane is behind me in GRB , I’ll turn my radar 180 to lock from my ass, to do the calculations panther suggested

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I don’t agree with this but i do have a solution
All of the planes that have 9M that shouldnt like the Gripen and i think the Italian harrier should get AIM-9L(i) which in game would functionally be a AIM-9M with smoke

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Smin already said they dont consider adding different Aim-9L models for now.

You sound like your plane doesnt have any kind of situational awareness aka RWR and your eyes.

But its too easy to complain about something instead of adapting for you, especially if its about Nato vehicle/armament.

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That was dechirped not AIM-9L(i)

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Both 9m and 9x are considered low smoke in game they’re smokeless so it is overperforming

Another false claim from you.

Here, Aim9-X has barely any visible smoke just like Aim9-M and in game Aim-9M produces same amount of smoke just like in real life.


Nothing tbh.

What is your source?

The AIM-9M should have a contrail depending on atmospheric conditions during launch. Currently it is invisible regardless of altitude and temperature. Whether you launch it at ground level in a desert or high altitude on a winter map it is still just as invisible.

The AIM-9M in this video has a very clear contrail:

And so does the AIM-9X from the F-22 here:


Skill issue you mean

Two different things you are talk about contrail but the topic here is about the engine being smokeless.
Because contrail will affect all missiles not only aim-9m so you would need to suggest this for all missiles.


True but thats not what they are asking.

They are basically asking Aim-9M should have smoke during launch and midflight when its fired at high or low altitude.

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I do not agree. I do understand the frustration of dying to it because most of the time its completly smokeless, but that feature shouldn’t be removed from the game. Count on that with more advanced aircraft we will get MAWS & co, which will help detecting it anyway.
One thing that could be done is giving 9L(i) to the plane that currently have 9M and didn’t carried 9M’s.

This is a good solution but also comes with another problem, for example SA Gripen never carried sidewinders so which model should recieve in that case?

AIM9M, just like how they did with the Barak II.
The issue here is that Gaijin decided to add the F16C too early imho, not the presence of AIM-9M’s

Well considering it only ever had IRIS-T you will have to give it something ahistorical that it could use which is AIM-9M

İn that case only İtalian harrier should recieve Aim-9L(i) which will not change the outcome considering how rare that plane is.

Hey but at least it will be a start.

Yea i know i was just discussing other possibilites regardless if its a right choice or not.