Introducing War Thunder Wiki 3.0!

The War Thunder Wiki is a fantastic place to learn all the details about vehicles and game mechanics, enhancing your knowledge of War Thunder and military vehicles in general. Today, we’re proud to release Wiki 3.0, coming in with brand-new features and layout that provide a better experience for everyone.

A Brand-New, Dynamic Design

Every page on the new War Thunder Wiki has been significantly improved to be more dynamic, smooth and easier to find what you’re looking for.

Upgrades To Vehicle Pages

Vehicle pages have been given a makeover and upgrade. The head section better visualizes all important information about the vehicle from the get-go. Want to see what available camouflages there are for each vehicle? We’ve implemented a section with links to camouflages for each vehicle that’ll take you right to WT Live or the Gaijin Market.

Important aspects of vehicles such as flight performance, general characteristics and ammunition types have been updated so that they’re easier to understand and visualize. The Secondary weapons menu has also been added for each aircraft.


Advanced Search Function

With thousands of vehicles in the game, finding exactly what you want can take a while. That’s why we’ve introduced a brand-new, advanced search function. You can now search by nation, vehicle role, rank, Battle rating, Status, Vehicle Collections, as well as Vehicle Families.


Compare Vehicles

See how vehicles stack up to each other with the all-new Compare feature! A nicely laid out page compares color-coded stats for each vehicle, making it much easier to visualize.


Get Involved Using Vehicle Ratings

Rate each vehicle by its performance with the all-new rating by players function. Ratings are specific to vehicle types, for example aircraft feature flight performance, and ground vehicles armor, giving you a better understanding of how other players feel about each vehicle.


Get Involved With Vehicle Articles

With Wiki 3.0, we’ve put strong emphasis on getting everyone involved with wiki content.

With the new format, everyone can head over to the wiki and write their own articles. Whether you want to write about history, vehicle guides, or just have something interesting to share about your favorite machines, you’re welcome to share your knowledge and writing skills with the community. After approval, everyone can read and rate your work!

That’s not all though! For your time spent creating articles, you’ll be rewarded with Golden Eagles! The amount given will reflect the length and quality of your article. For all of the details and requirements take a look at our guide for authors.


Creating Made Easier

The editor for the new wiki has been designed to be as simple as possible, so even if you have limited experience in this area you’ll be able to jump in and start creating with ease. With the editor you can format your text and insert tables, pictures and videos into your work quickly and easily.


Updated & Customizable Profiles

Player profiles are now personalized and are fully synced with in-game statistics. How many years you’ve played the game for, the number of battles you have and your in-game profile avatar is now shown on the wiki on your profile.


Dark Theme & Full Mobile Support

Don’t worry, your eyes are safe! No website is complete without a dark theme, now implemented on Wiki 3.0. Plus, the Wiki has much greater optimization for mobile devices, so you can catch up on vehicles and mechanics while on the go!


So take a look at War Thunder Wiki 3.0 and let us know what you think!

Support the Wiki by picking up this special pack!

“Wiki 3.0” pack

The Kit Includes:
  • “Intellectual Snail” Decal
  • “Intellectual” Title
  • 300 Golden Eagles



Well this looks rather good, will have to take a ganders through it.


Will this Wiki 3.0 support more languages? I’m looking further to expand to more languages and eventually update some articles.


Very nice! That looks very interesting!

What I miss however ist the Pro/Con and usage section of vehicle pages. What’s the idea here? Is it completely omitted or how is / should this be implemented, @Stona_WT?


searching through vehicle categories is kinda neat, but why is there no general search function?
what happened to pages on specific weapons?
(i found the vehicle family button)


Probably meant to be replaced by that public vehicle rating thing.

That would be a pity, as it’s never as detailed and doesn’t offer any clues. Knowing that an aircraft is good in ground attack, doesn’t tell me why, and how to use it to be good in ground attack.

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Will half the pages still have placeholder text?

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I deeply appreciate the dev’s/company’s efforts to make improvements (and there are a few new features I do like) but I have some strong issues with the current iteration of Wiki 3.0:

First, I fully agree that the Pro/Con section omission/deletion is a terrible and nearly unacceptable loss.
(Good points from @Daft909 below about the pro/con sections being outdated. Open the spoiler arrow to view comment chain:)


My reply to Daft909’s comment:

Next reply from Daft909:

In addition you guys just removed the feature/section that I used the most:
Old Scouting page:

You can’t even select Scouting from the Features selections. HOWEVER, even adding Scouting to the features selection is not enough. I want my picture/tree view back where I can see ALL the countries at ONCE with vehicles that can Scout. NOT just one country at a time:


This must be added back. Including all the sections listed on the old Ground Units main page, where you could click over to the tech tree “link trees” where you could see ALL the scouting vehicles at once, all missile ground vehicles etc etc etc. This was one of the most useful link pages on the entire wiki for me. I would use this page at least weekly to drill down to view all of the applicable ground vehicles at one time:



EDIT: OK! I found something new I LOVE lol. If you click “Radar/Optical Detection” and filter Role by Light Tanks, you can finally see which light tanks have IRST!!! (IRST allows a tank to lock onto air targets “like a SPAA”, and more easily shoot down air targets). Thanks guys! This is something I have wanted to be able to search for for a LONG time 🍻




@Stona_WT I’m not able to rate a vehicle;

Despite matching the requirements I can’t click on the numbers between 1 to 5.



Is it/will it be possible to make an option to make usage of the whole screen space, instead of all this wasted space? It is not even a wide monitor, it is a standard 16:9 monitor. I am using a computer, not a smartphone…


Does that also include vehicles and stuff not yet in game? Like the 10,5 cm LeFH 18 L/28 Wespe for example?

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whilst useful, the Pro/cons had many instances where they were flat out wrong (an issue when community is in charge of pro/con). I dont know a fix besides having people who can show they have high stats with said plane and are willing to give their views on it rather then people guessing. updating the pros/cons when BR changes is a must too.


Feel free to join the community and fill the missing content :)

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But where to add e.g. the Pro/Con and Usage sections? = )


Good points. I do agree that when the information gets outdated from updates/BR changes it can become less useful, however, there was often still valuable information. Perhaps an “archived” section/button would be acceptable to inform players that the information is old/outdated, while still allowing us to find that old info.


i think perhaps a better option is a “pro/cons from different users” where any user can make a pro/cons list and they get added to a segment at the bottom. could work and eliminate bias


Decal pack will be available for console??

I would love to but unfortunately, my time is not infinite, and I would prefer to be playing War Thunder instead of writing articles for it.

Why not offer in game rewards for wiki contributions? I think that would really help get those pages filled out.

Whoever designed the site knew what he was doing. I have to say, good job.
I will support wiki with the 2EUR kit, the devs deserve it. o7

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