Introducing a new round of BR changes shortly after the update

Not a bad idea but there’s a few I disagree with

  • F-14A to 12.3 would be fine if it receives AIM-9L’s in exchange, since you put it at the same BR as F-16A
  • F-14B to 12.7 is the same story, should get AIM-9M’s if its put alongside the Belgian F-16A (I think that one has AIM-9M’s right?)
  • J8F and F-4F ICE at 13.0 feels too high. I think they should be 1 full BR step below the top dogs, so 12.7 in this case. And the subsonic Fox-3 carriers at 12.3 maximum. (I didn’t test Fox-3 in dev server though so take that with a grain of salt). This ofc is without accounting for the fact the F-4F ICE gets IRCCM heat-seekers and two more ARH’s, with a more powerful radar, over the J-8F.

If i’d guess. Its less about equal aircraft being at the same BR, and more about having Super-sonic ARH above a certain point (though I thought the J-8F was 12.3 not 12.7)

It’s 12.3 in game, but on his list it’s 12.7, but the f4f, which is better is basically every way except hmd, is 12.7 in game and 12.7 on this list.

Ah… that list right… I get it now

lets gooo 100 votes

I really, really hope the next rework will be for props. There are some props that are severely undertiered (Wyvern) and others that are severely overtiered (P-47s).

Also bomber rework, if that’s even possible for them to do.

yeah theres some props that do need balancing badly

De com press ion

In my opinion, the BR bracket 8.0 to 9.0 needs extreme decompression ASAP.

Well if you’ve played both of these 2 chassis you would know J8F is way to good. it’s basically a F15 until below 400kts. It accelerates second fastest literally right after the F15, it turns fast, bleed fast, and plus PL12 is also a better missile than the Aim120A or B.
Oh the dev server J8F is surprisingly the only one capable of fighting against F15 up on altitude.

Here’s my consideration
Take a closer look you would realize that things are getting moved up more because of an added br between 11.0 and 11.3. These 2 br btw are what I would consider to be the most compressed BR in WT as of now.
So let’s say the subsonic fox3 carriers are at 12.7 are actually intact from what it isa now (also what I would agree with)
Same goes for F4ICE, it’s intact and with the raised br for those proper 3rd gen fighter it should be better for it.
For J8F, I explain the reason on my last reply up there, to put it in short, it’s chassis is just way to good to sit below F4ICE or tornado late.
And besides all that, this is especially taking the consideration of the fact multipath is getting a nerf and you won’t be able to defeat a missile by lawn mowing especially when missile is from above, thus F4ICE should have a larger advantage so does the F14s. Maybe not so much for the A, but definitely very significant for the B.

Eh, the only ones that will really be affected by the change are the american mains that only bomb

I would prefer an announcement that the BR range is getting decompressed to 1.0-16.0.

Bump ground up to 13.0 and we could have a big enough gap between top tier air and top tier ground to fix the cas issue too.