Indonesian Sub-tree: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika!

the turret of the P8 was also recently fitted with a rocket pod, seems quite modular

not putting the image here just in case, you can check yourself on twitter though

they were planning on an MLRS SAM system for the tank as well, hopefully itll be revealed in June during IndoDefence

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found some footage of the Army’s Alvis Saladin (pre-retrofit w/ foliage camo) firing & maneuvering during an exercise in the 2000s.


there are also other Alvis vehicles used in the exercise, such as the Stormer APC & AVLB as well as the FV Scorpion

Source: (cant hide the preview otherwise the link will be broken for some reason)


Humber MK.4 Modification?


the standout thing is obviously the roof MG , is it a Vickers or a Browning? (honestly I cant visually tell the difference between the two)

but another interesting thing is it seems to be modified as the ammo for the MG also seems to lead to a new box on the front of the turret where the lamp+smoke shells would sit, the lamp is also moved to the right-hand side of the turret and the smoke shells seems to be removed,

there are also some inscriptions written on the tank itself, “Bung Karno –” something something and the bottom text is completely illegible to me


image image


Jakarta, 17 oktober 1952 | KERIS


I’d say it’s a Vickers MG, because of the muzzle device and you could also barely see the fluted water jacket.


Water cooled Browning’s do exist though you are correct that it’s a Vickers MG

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