Indian Mig29 to UK tree and Rafale

i say never just bc its you right now

They add a T90 why is no chance for a mig29

bc you want it

How does what i like to see the future effect what will be added

you request it, automatically denied

i suggest it and i see Russian mains don’t want to share same as NATO mains

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Nobody want their planes in UK TT


Sweden did

XD uk mains cried about grippen


To be fair we do operate AH-64E anyway but yeah it’d be hilarios if it somehow ends up like that.

Ok, go find it in manyyy topic about brits etc. I will not continue this discussion you don’t know anything and even didn’t add your real account.

You see we colonised over a quarter of the world because we knew war thunder would be created, and we could get the best line ups by taking old colonies vehicles


What were they moaning about please tell me i didn’t see them doing that

Ahhh It’s so hard to answer this, depend on the decision of gaijin and staff

I might expect gajin could add another fighter aircraft with active radar homing MRAAM at 12.7 after JAS39C Gripen from SAAF before Eurofighter Typhoon FA.2

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Haha, had to at least leave them 1 vehicle.

Pro lásku boží co máte všichni s československou technikou v Rusku.



by any chance are you related to alvis wisla who was previously known as razervon on the forums?

No he does not like me

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