Incorret reload time for IS-3


I was watching an essay-from video partially on the topic of the IS-3. I will link the video in the discription as “attachment 1”, but it is not the source for the the IS-3 having a incorrect reload time in game, but that source is related. The actual source will be “attachment 2”

Since all 122mm D-25T guns in game , found in the IS-2, -3, and -4 share a similar reload rate (around 20 seconds) this discussion has further reach than the titel initially suggests, although that might be a whole other argument and discussion altogether. Thus the imidiate discussion should revovle around the first claim “Incorrect reload time for the IS-3” before addressing other issues.

In warthunder an IS-3 aced crew with highest reload-skill manning the 122mm D-25T gun can at best acheive a reload after 20 seconds. The source I have linked suggest this to be false and that instead is around 9.5 seconds. the 9.5 is solely the loading fase, the full time to fire the gun in the IS-3 was 16.5 seconds and that includes time for aiming and removing any spend casing in the breach. (the 2. attachment shows all the steps and their speed). I am not sure what Gajin includes in their assesment of reload time, in some cases like the Sturmmöser it is arbitrary - for the sake of game play. Maybe some game master can assit the discussion in that regard :).

I think it goes without saying it would be a big justice to the IS-3 and potentially other IS-tanks that struggle from attrocious reload time, if their reload time was corrected.

I have spend enough time on the forum to know, i dont have to tell you, if you have any arguments or evidence that contradicts mine, please share them. I want all vehicles to be as accurate as possible in their portrayal in the game. I love soviet heavy arrmor, last thing i would want is wrongful depiction of them, even if that meant they actually got stalinium armor and were invulnerable - wet dream of mine ;)

Attachment 1:

Attachment 2:


I mean would you rather have slightly longer reload or have it bumped up in br and be facing darts and laser rangfinders?

I mean “slightly longer reload” is quite the understatement when the differenceis more than 100% from 20 to some odd 9 seconds. Why do you suggest that the IS-3 would move up? Getting a reload rate of 9.5 or 16.5 seconds hardly qualifies it for 7.7, not like its a french auto cannon lol


Considering manually loaded guns are not based historical reload times, this wont change anything.

Here is some “historical reload time” for you:

"…from June 20th to July 12th, 1951, trials were held, the results of which showed that the average aimed rate of fire with a trained loader could reach 3.6 RPM (the technical requirement was 2-3 RPM). The average cycle lasted 16.5 seconds and consisted of removing a shell from the brass catcher (2.9 seconds), loading a round (9.5 seconds), correcting the aim and firing (3.1 seconds) and the recoil brake returning the gun to the firing position (1 second).

From attachment 2.


None of that matters. Reload for manual loaded guns is balance based and not based on documents.

Do you have any authoritative source on that? I mean im not just gonna take your word for it. No offence

@markimash isn’t saying that the in-game reload is accurate, or that what you’re saying isn’t incorrect, they’re saying that Gaijin doesn’t often use the real life reload speeds. Many vehicles in this game, such as the Shermans, Pattons, etc. have artificially nerfed or buffed reload speeds, regardless of historical accuracy.


It is based on what has been said on other reload threads.

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Well that sucks. Thanks anyway

No problem. You just have to argue based on gameplay/balance rather than historical documents.

Thats not my strong suite i am afraid ;). Best I can do is complain to Gaijin i guess lol

Lol. I think they will do a little decompression this year which might help the is3 a bit. Maybe that would be a good time to try to get a reload reduction.

Or the aphe nerf will force them to either drop its br or reduce reload time.


I could be wrong, maybe you can confirm or deny, but I beleive that for a short while the IS-6 actually had a reload time of 16,5 seconds, they have reverted that back to around 20 seconds now

Yeah the Aphe changes are gonna have a big impact on alot of gameplay, its gonna be fun to ajust to if not a little frustrating in the beginning lol

That sounds correct. I do remember it being a big threat.

On the topic of why soviet tanks generally have poor ROF:

Fast reload
Compact vehicle
Big gun

You can pick only two (unless you have an advanced autoloader).

If you want a heavy tank with a 122mm main gun and a 5 RPM reload, it will need two loaders and a comfortable ammunition storage layout. The closest thing we had IRL was the Jagdtiger, and that thing was not 50 ton, like the JS-3, but over 70.

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I mean 3.6 RPM does not sound bad to me, depends on what you are packing right? ;) From my amatuer perspective I guess you are right, tank design is often about compormises

IS-3 is fine where it is BR-wise. It’s basically impenetrable when facing 7.0 and lower vehicles. If anything it ought to be 7.7BR.

God forbid heavy tanks actually would function as allowed by their design and time period. I would refer you to the thread below.