Incorrect number of Countermeasures on planes during air Events in Ground AB

As the title says, after the last major update, every plane (and therefore helicopter) of any high-tier air event in any Ground Arcade match has an extremely low amount of Countermeasures.

Here attached are two different server replays showing the problem. You can either see the planes i got or the planes other players got, it doesn’t matter since this issue is hitting every air event jet/helicopter

on top of that,i’m gonna attach a screenshot as a further proof. As you can see here below,i just spawned in the air (3 seconds in) and i only have 4 Flares

My theory is that the game sets every air event plane with the minimun amount of flares a jet can take with the slider option,but doesn’t remember to add the remaining part of chaff to it

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This is quite a thing to notice to be honest, and it should be suggested to be fixed or improved.

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Yeah,i noticed it because i always press Ctrl+Z the moment i spawn in the air ,so that i start the Periodical release of CMs (in order to raise my chances of evading missiles,since you spawn VERY close to the battlefield).
I was always accustomed of having more CMs than needed in a minute,then today i got into some matches and i noticed my CMs stopping after 1 second,it was very strange.

Yes,it should be reported accordingly,buuuut i don’t remember the website to report a bug :) and besides, screenshots are bugged there

I think it’s per resolution that ‘bug’ but it should be fixed before long.

Lmao,i think it wasn’t “fixed”

Oh well,time to cross-post this bug report tomorrow