im here to talk about Incendiary bullets on the belts of various aircraft, more specifically, their poor damage.
Right now Incendiary bullets just vanish when touching fuselage and leave it slighty yellow, even on biplanes. This is more noticeable on the belts of the swedish 12.7mm akan m/40 and the french 7.5 mac 1934 both of these belts demostrate how an “I” or “IT” must be avoided at all costs. So I ask all of you
How can Incendiary bullets be reworked in order to have an use without affecting the spot that “API” rounds currently have? is it possible to tweak one without affecting the other?
From the way I understand it, their main purpose was to cause fires, not shear wings off
the problem is that the incendiary alone can’t get to a fuel tank or engine without vanishing into a fuselage
They are better for wooden planes, as it would light their construction on fire, an arguably better outcome (for you) than putting a bigger hole in their wing. When facing planes with stronger construction it can become necessary to use AP-I rounds as they have the armor penetration to reach the fuel and internal modules. It is not necessary to buff incendiary rounds, they just weren’t great for the job you’ve been using them for. I would suggest switching to a belt with more AP-I, or just AP, as it
Disclaimer, I do not play ARB, or AAB very often, this is just my very surface level understanding of how these mechanics work