I guess that the PESA of the su34 will show all the detection targets like the Pantsir, otherwise there will be no difference at all
It will just be a really fast scanning normal radar in TWS mode, just insane scan rate, like Tor or Pantsir, unless they add more PESA to the game in which case they might actually add the actual mechanism, although I doubt it will come this patch.
No, scanning rate is the same as a mechanical scan.
How, I just see targets coming up instantly, never seen that with mechanical radar.
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Even though this is a video of the radar, please try to avoid posting videos of the current ongoing conflict, thanks!
Haha, I haven’t had time to watch your video yet
I think PESA and AESA will come in the form of TWS in the past, and all of your scanned targets will be displayed on your computer screen. Instead of thinking that only one can be displayed as it is now, the rest will appear in the in-game radar screen.
They do for Tor and Pantsir, so they could be implemented in the same way until more planes joins them.
Out of curiosity, when will it be okay to post things from the invasion? Does this also apply to other current or recent wars? Cheers.
Applies to all current geo-political situations pretty much