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I have tried to contact some Game Master with PM about my ban but I get this message:
How can I play game if my account is banned? Is there other way to contact some of Game Masters about my problem?

Depending on what’s the reason of your ban, you should contact support.


Cheating but not sure how

I guess you’re the guy that haven’t played for 10 months, isn’t it? And someone said the EAC verified your computer and detected cheat, isn’t it?

I would like just to say something, EAC uses the Kernel Security Level, which means it verify your entire computer if I’m not mistaken, but this only happens when you execute a program with EAC,

Now if the verification search for cheats for more than that specific game, I don’t know,

Either way, if you think your account was stolen, you can access the login register to figure out if it was really stolen, that’s why most of Fair Play, or all of them actually, the CM always leaves a note mentioning the importance of 2FA,

If your account was stolen you got more than enough argument to complain for the support to reconsider your ban, if you used mods or any other kind of program, either in War Thunder or in any other game with EAC you can consider that’s the reason of your ban.

I’m not a EAC expert so take in consideration that I may be wrong.

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Yes, and yes, my first thought was that someone stole my account but I looked at the logs on the Gajin website and there was nothing there except me logging in. So EAC probably saw some 3rd party software that was responsible for mods for my RTS games or something like that. Honestly, I’m not entirely sure how EAC works but I’m quite surprised to get banned for a game I haven’t played in so long.

But still thank you for fast responding I will try to contact to support cuz I don’t want to lose my account from such a thing. I have played WT from closed aircraft beta and really liked it but honestly sometimes grinding is annoying so i take some breake from the game :P

I answered you in the first post with a link showing who to contact in what case.
I will repeat that link here again:

Game Masters cannot give you any answers when it comes to a ban due to cheats, all questions are to be asked to support.


Thanks, I have contact support

i have same problem. but my ban is about nickname

i have got banned for my nickname on another account. i tried to write something on new forum but i cannot even make a topic. Old forum is dead so no one will even write my messages. Could you help me via that account?


What is the name of the other account?


i Changed it and now it is wuotann ID IS 107904038

If u can see the old one i can just say im so stupid and it was sarcastic. its a bit of shame to write that there


Could you give a short explanation of what your new name means please.


it means God of war. for example Odin God that i believe in

That also means God father and master of magic. It isnt something inappropriate

I’m going to double check with Seniors, religious topics aren’t generally allowed but it might still be okay. It’s a bit of a gray area so i just want to make sure it’s okay.

apologies ,

ive had an account banned due to nickname. someone hacked the axccount and changed the nickname to “certified_**pist”, totallly warranting a ban. wasnt me, have since changed email password and gaijen acc pass word.

account name: FR3DD

its in my language but you can translate it in google translator to verify.
but okay i hope you gonna unban me. Cya

I got a very quick answer!
Your new name looks good!

Please note that any future name change to a name that is against the rules will result in a permanent ban with no ability to appeal.

Your ban has been lifted. Enjoy the game!
