Implementation of toggle selection to allow removal of snow maps for accessibility

I would like to suggest the implementation of a toggle system for snowy maps as an accessibility option, similar to how night battles toggle was implemented.

The system would cater to people who have some vision impairment or simply people who are tired of playing on snowy maps.
I personally suffer from cataracts and the bright white background makes everything I see very blurry and shapes hard to distinguish, forcing me to play extremely passively, or simply returning to hangar at the start of the game.

In the growing gaming landscape accessibility options are becoming more and more important to ensure a fair and pleasant experience to everyone, to ensure a level playing field to everyone, no matter their background. This change moreover would not negatively affect any part of the game or the community, as giving more options is usually well received, even if one doesn’t care about it’s inclusion.

Thank you for talking your time to read this suggestion, o7.

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Not a bad idea, they do feel overly bright depending on the ingame time. It doesn’t help that most are just downgrades from the non snowy versions.

i need a toggle to remove trash maps.

How do snow night maps affect you?

We don’t do that here.

that would be cool if they would do that

I do not believe eye impairment is a valid excuse to add this even as a toggle.
There are better ways to make snow less irritating to people with eye impairments. For example. Don’t make it glossy pitch white. Is a good example. Via lower the white to a darker shade of white. Like it should be. Cause realistically

Snow looks more like this however in the game it’s so damn bright that you’re playing in Light Mode.

So for me, I’m voting no. Since I just don’t see that being a valid reasoning. I am however not against the idea, just the justification. So this might change if there are better arguments.

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The thing is, even irl snow is pretty bothersome to me, just depends how well illuminated it is. Trust me it can be pretty blinding. But overall my point is no one gets negatively affected by an opt in, but people who want to partake are still welcome to. The difference with night battles is that most people really disliked them so no one really plays them anymore, while I feel like a lot of people still like snow maps, so the matchmaking won’t be affected too much!
If you have any counter arguments or opinions you care to share I’d be happy to hear you out!
I still firmly believe that a toggle is the simplest and broadest solution.

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I think we can add a health warning for the snow maps, such kinds of maps will make players’ eyes feel very uncomfortable and probably make some of them feel dizzy if play over half hour.

Most dislike night battles cause when we expect night battles we are expecting, the ability to use our vehicle lights. As well as other forums of dictation from within the vehicle. Issues with War Thunder is that none of that exist which means its just pitch black.