I'm searching for a squad to play together and research squad vehicles

Hello I’m Shadow and I’m searching for a squad to play with. I have around 200h in war thunder and I’ve been mainly playing alone I would like to get some people to grind and play with and in general just have fun. I have access to rank 3 usa (ground) and i have only one rank 5 plane in the us air tree, I also have all german rank 3 (ground) researched and im starting on some rank 4. I mainly play ground rb and air arcade (i still don’t know how to play air that well to have the confidence to go to rb alone). I usually play around 2pm to 8pm GMT (since its summer the time is GMT +01:00) some times i might not play during those times and it’s either due to university classes or studying for exams. I use discord and my username is theshadowwolf.

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Well done in coming here to look for a good squadron to accept you.

If you find the squadron list, just be sure to find one over 200k activity in thier main front page, as then you’ll be sure to get the 20k RP per cycle that you can get by doing enough research on your vehicle over the 3 day cycle. Many do accept randoms, and don’t require you to play with them, or join discord.

I advise people to use thier friendslist more, and merely squad regularly.

Good luck in finding a good group to hang out with.

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Hello Shadow! 743rd CG has some spots open, I might be able to get you in if you want, however it’s mostly casual and not competitive.

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I don’t mind it being casual because im not looking for anything competitive since, as mentioned in the post, most of the time im not able to play as much as i would like since I’m a uni student and it takes up most of my time. Im just looking for an active squadron to research the vehicle and to have people to play from time to time

Thank you I figured it was better to come here and “explain” my situation right of the bat than joining a random squad and getting kicked after a month or so just because i don’t reach the highest activity points when it’s exam season or test season or if I have alot of projects to deliver since I’m not going to prioritize the game over my future

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Alright add my discord and I’ll invite you to the server

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Just sent a friend request