I am relatively new to the forum, having recently deleting and creating a new account to link to my WarThunder Account, and I have been trying to make a handful of vehicle suggestions.
One of my vehicle suggestions (Willys jeep w T27 rocket launcher), had been approved for posting, however I cant find it anywhere, and when clicking my approval link it shows that my post is privated or doesn’t exist. Is there a posting process I’m unaware of and I’m just dumb? Or is this an error?
Another thing I’ve noticed is that I have also made other suggestions before the approved one, and they are listed as pending, however they were created when i had not been labeled as “trustable”. Are they able to be seen and approved or are they lost? I’ve tried to contact a suggestion moderator but didn’t get a response so I’m here now. Again I’m sorry if I’m wasting time or I’m simply dumb, but I’m just curious, id appreciate a answer, thank you.