I'm interested to hear you all speak, what is the likelihood nations like the UK get a 2S6?

I know it sounds stupid, but it’s a serious discussion in my opinion because there’s this trend of Russian-allied nations getting Russian vehicles. For example, during Firebirds most nations got the Osa because they had Eastern nations in their tech trees. Now we know with the December update, nations are now getting the Strela. India (a British tech-tree nation) has a 2S6 so will Britain be every Russian SPAA and tank?

India seems to be a sub-tree of some sort for GB so some vehicles from there would be expected

Not before the UK get some domestic AA systems first like the rapier, Javelin etc however the Tor-m1 should be in the Russian tech tree by now.

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Exactly is confirmed by Smin

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What are those recent threads involving some Soviet SPAA and India and Britain? For God’s sake, I’m not a Britain main but there are good and probably comparable options to the 9K22 Tunguska. I support a original vehicle instead of another Ctrl+ D stuff.

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The US could get one after all we do have one being used as a gatekeeper somewhere (gate keeper= veichal at the entrance of a military base